Chapter 6 - No more

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Author: Okay so I never really said where Ginger is from or the town she's from simply cause I didn't have a set place in mind. Until now, so please tell me how you think this chapter went, feel free to call me out on my mistakes.

Warning: Some sexual content





So let's recap real quick shall we,

- I'm being chased by a psychopath and his gang
- Max may or may not have ratted me out to his little friends
- I ruined my shirt with psycho dicks blood

I think that's it...wait no it's not, I left my god damn purse at the café.

How the fuck do I forget about something so god damn important? I'll tell you how, I'm a fuckin idiot.

I'd lose my fuckin head if it wasn't attached to my body.

Okay, let's just take a chill pill, no harm not foul. Its just shit I can replace, expect the fact that psycho now has my phone and can tell my brother or River anything he likes, like he'll kill me if they don't come, yeah I didn't think about that, fuck!

Reaching the airport I ditch the bike and head for the closest payphone. Grabbing change from my left shoe that I so gratefully put there for good luck into the stupid machine, but I just now realise I don't know my brothers number.

Who the fuck remembers phone numbers anymore, and I can't really call my phone and ask psycho for it, shit.

Well here goes nothing, typing in the first number that comes to mind, I wait as it rings...and rings.....and rings...and rings....who the fuck am I calling that takes this long to pick up a phone.

Finally there's an answer...

"What the fuck do you want!?" chocking back a sob I've never been so happy to hear the love of my life say such foul words.

"River?" I'm full on crying at this moment cause all I want is to be in his arms.

"Ginger? Babe what's wrong? Where are you I'm coming there now." Hearing him move around I shuffle a laugh,

"I'm not anywhere close, I'm kinda out of the country." all I here is heavy breathing "Now don't get mad but this psycho ass guy just tried to take me and I have no idea why, beside the fact he wanted to use me to get you here."

"Where exactly are you słonecznik" he sighs trying to calm himself down. My heart swells at the nickname he hasn't called me in a long time.

"I'm in Amsterdam. I don't have anything with me, I left everything and ran to the airport." Now realizing I don't have my passport I won't be able to get out of this city.

"It's fine, I have a few people that owe me favours there, they will help you if you give them my name." Nodding my head yes, I start to realize what he actually said,

"When did you come to Amsterdam that a bunch of people owe you favours?" all he does is sigh and ignore my question,

"There's a man by the name of Fred, tell him 'il fiume mi ha mandato'. He will help you board a plane." giving a soft 'ok' I'm about to hang up when he continue talking, "Come back to me Gin." he hangs up, leaving me to feel like I'm about to go to war.

Putting the phone back I slowly move away before I scope the area to see if I'm being watch, when I feel that I'm not I head for the front desk, "Excuse me do you know a man named Fred?" the woman looks at me slightly confused.

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