Chapter 2- Without Me

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What the fuck was I thinking, I should've taken a couple of shots or maybe even a hit of weed before jumping into this decision.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't about to just leave without following through, but I really should've thought about this thoroughly.

The lights dimmed as I took my place in the middle of the stage facing the audience. I could hear my breathing and a few mumblings from the crowd.

I felt my gut twist from nervousness but I couldn't let him know that, he needed to know that if he didn't claim what's his then I might consider other options.
Raising my arms above my head, I pop my hip out on one side while looking at the floor.

As soon as the music starts and the spot light hits me, I sway my hips side to side and bring my arms down giving the audience the best sexy smile I could give. Dropping to my knees I throw my head back while my right hands traces it way down my body. Getting so into it I forget that there are people watching. Crawling toward the closest pole, I stand up and hold it with my right hand, I walk around it once. Before I lean my back against it and slide my way down and back up. Finally jumping on the pole I climb it a little before I do a spin in a split pose.

Getting a few whistles, I continue to grind my front against the pole slowly so I can take a peak at the crowd to find him. But he isn't sitting where I last saw him, it's like he wasn't even there. The sluts he had with him were no where in site either. My heart sank cause I know he left, but some small part of me hoped he'd at least drag me off the stage, but he didn't. Not wanting to be up there anymore I turn to look for Daniel, one of the male workers to save me. And he does, once he gets on the stage the lights shift to him and I make a shift exist.

Running down the hall I go into the dressing room and throw on my clothes without taking off the lingerie. I can feel my throat get tighter and my eyes water but I try my hardest to not let them fall. After putting on my shoes I head back to the bar to grab my phone and keys.

I notice that Kyle has now just arrived but from the look of it if he had it his way, he'd never show his face here. Making my way to him I can't stop myself from throwing myself at him and letting the tears fall.
" you good?" shaking my head no, I feel him put his arms around me and rub my back to comfort me. Kyle has been like another brother to me since I joined the gang, I call him gunner because of the muscle he has, he even knows how I feel about river and how river feels about me.

"I can't do it anymore gunner, he's just to hard to please. Anytime I do something I think would get some kind of reaction he leave me high and dry." burying my face into his neck I take a few deep breathes.

"You know how he is red, he doesn't know how to express his emotions the way me and you do. He still doesn't understand what he's even feeling." Keeping me in a tight hug I can't help be still be sad.

"I'm just so tired of him fucking me off. Sometimes I just wish I could turn off my emotions." hiccuping a few times, he finally sighs before he says,

"Don't we all babe"

After 5 minutes of him holding me I lean back from his neck so I can look at Kyle's face. Normally I hate guys with beards but he made it work and god was he hot as hell. Leaning forward without my knowledge I start to close my eyes when I feel his lips on mine. Bitting his lip a little I feel his tongue against mine fighting for dominance. Giving him a little moan, I move my hands from the front of his chest to pull at the ends of his hair.

"Red maybe we shouldn't..." not listening I grab his hand and head for the exist. Getting to my car we both get in without a word or a glance at each other. Heading to my brothers condo down the street from my club I start to thinking about what the fuck I was doing. Blinded by rage and hurt I pull into the parking lot, I jump out and walk to the elevator. Kyle is not far behind, when we get to the elevator I push the button to the top floor.

Not being able to take the silence I push him up against the wall and reconnect our lips. Getting a groan from him I start rubbing myself against his body, feeling his hands cup my ass. Turning us around so now I'm the one against the wall I feel him give me a tap on the ass before I jumped. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he grounds his front against mine making me moan.

Hearing the elevator ding I jump down from his grip, leading him to the front door of my brother condo. I feel his arms wrap around my waist while he starts to leave light kiss on my neck. I should be turned on, my heart should be beating out of my chest but I feel nothing be disgusted. Taking a deep breathe I turn around to look at him, putting my hand on his cheek I now know I can't sleep with him even if I wanted too.

I mean he's a fuckin sex god but he isn't River. And as much as I hate to admit that, I don't wanna put gunner is an awkward situation.
Smiling at him I lean up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the other cheek.

"Gunner can you just spend the night to cuddle, because I really just need someone to hold me not fuck me" expecting him to be pissed I'm shocked when he starts laughing. Not being able to help it I start to laugh with him.

"Red I wouldn't fuck you even if you begged, but I do know that you need someone. Which is why I wasn't so worried about coming here with you, I know your Rivers girl and one of my closest friends. I love you so yes I will spend the night holding you." feeling
a tun of weight being lift of my chest I pull him into a hug.

Turning around I unlock the door, heading in to the spare room. Taking off my shoes, and pants I place my phone on the table. I pull back the covers before climbing in on the left side.

The room isn't that big, it's kinda generic with a bed up against the furthest wall with a little table on each side. There is a big window on the opposite side of the bed looking out to the city.

Reaching under my shirt I unclip my bra and throw it on the little table. Sitting back I watch Kyle start to remove his shirt followed by his pants and shoes.

"You don't mind do you red? It's kinda weird for me to sleep in clothes." Still looking at his tone ass body it take me a while to reply, so I clear my throat before I say something stupid.

"Um, no? Not as long as you don't mind I sleep without my bra?" Moving to lay on my side and leaning my head on my hand to still look at him.

"Not at all big red." Sliding into the bed I turn so my back is to his front, I can see his a little hesitant on putting an arm around me. So grabbing his hand and pull it around me before closing me eyes to get some sleep.

It doesn't take long before I hear his breathe even out letting me know he's asleep. From a far I can see my phone going off but I'm to tired to see who is blowing up my phone. Feeling my eyes slowly close and darkness consumes me, I go off to dreamland.

What I didn't know was that, that phone call was gonna change everything for me.

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