I saw a small blush in between his mouth guard and goggles.

"No time to muck around," Masky whispered.

"(Y/n) do you have cameras or security?" Hoodie whispered and I answered with a quiet 'no'.

The 4 of us crept up to the back door...

Masky tugged on the door handle softly...

"Locked," he muttered.

"I can pick the lock.." I said.

They all looked at me...

"You c-can p-p-pick locks?" Toby said.

I nodded and Masky stepped aside.

I reacted into my hood and pulled a bobby pin out of my hair.

I small bit on my (h/c) hair fell out of my hoodie, but I didn't care.

I crouched in front of the door handle and stuck the bobby pin in.

I fiddled with it till I heard a soft 'click'.

I smirked under my gas mask.

I opened it and gestured for the 3 surprised boys to come in.

I tiptoed in last and shut the door after me.

I looked at my living room....the kitchen....the dining area...

"Hasn't changed a bit..." I muttered.

"Where's your room?" Hoodie asked.

"Follow me," I said and started creeping up the stairs.


I came to the old wooden door that belonged to my room...

I opened the door and it crept open...

We walked in the room and Toby shut the door last.

I looked around the familiar room and saw the shattered glass on the floor...

It was from when Toby broke into my room...

I then looked to the wall, there, on the wall was a dent from when I through my diar- My Diary!

I looked down and saw my diary on the floor.

I walked over to it, crouched down and opened the last entry I wrote.

"Dear Diary,

Jessica came up to me today, her and her 'gang' put me through another hard time!

The 'gang' dragged me to the toilets, hit me with brooms and shoved my head in the toilet a few times."  I whispered.

"She's dead now..." I muttered under my breath.

A tear fell from my (e/c) eyes and I unstrapped my mask.

I hooked it to my belt and stood up, diary in hand.

I walked to Masky, Hoodie and Toby...

They were still looking around the room...

"I want to take this with me," I handed Masky my diary and he put it in the brown bag.

I went to my dresser and opened my shirt draw.

I pulled out a few of my favourite shirts and singlets then chucked them to Masky.

I shut that drawer and opened my pants draw.

I grab a few pairs of jeans and shorts and again through them at to boys behind me.

I opened my underwear and bra draw...

I turned around and grabbed the bad from Masky.

I then proceeded to shove underwear and a few bras in the brown bag.

I gave the bag back to Masky and walked over to my shoes and socks...

I grabbed 1 pair of runners and 3 pairs of Converse.

I dropped some pairs of socks in the bag and put the shoes on my desk...

I quietly opened one of the draws on my desk and found a plastic bag.

I stuck the shoes in the plastic bag and tied the bag up, and handed it to Masky.

I looked at my desk:

Unfinished homework...



Pencils sprawled over the desk...

Framed photos...

I was surprised that everything remained the same when I left...

Absolutely nothing changed...

I grabbed the 2 of the family framed photos and took them out of the frames, one photo had Toby in it two.

I handed the photos to Toby.

"Hold these for a moment..." I whispered, he nodded.

I went to the draw bellow the one I got the plastic bag from and found my most prized possession...

My photo album...

I went back over to Toby and said,

"Put those 2 photos in an empty slot in here.." I handed him the album and he once again nodded.

I went to my bedside table and opened the draw...

There lay another one of my favourite things...

My phone!

I grabbed it and put in my back jeans pocket.

I ripped the charger out of the wall and threw it to Masky.

I turned around...

"Tot!" I whisper/yelled.

There on my bed lay my stuffed pink bear my dad's friends got for me when I was born.

I scooped it up and carefully placed it in the brown bag.

Then we heard a gun being loaded...

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here!" A familiar voice yelled.

The four of us spun around to see-

// haha cliff hanger! Sorry, I had to 😂, I hope you enjoyed the Christmas chapter and I want to say that the next chapter will be a New Year Special! I'm really excited to make it, it won't be as long a the Christmas chapter...
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bai xx

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