Chapter Fifteen

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Claire’s POV

One of the most annoying things about my pregnancy (other than the morning sickness) was definitely my mood swings. I could go from happy to furious to depressed in a matter of minutes, and it was obnoxious. When I woke up in the morning, I knew I had let my crazy emotions get the best of me the night before. Mark hadn’t done anything wrong, and yet I still snapped at him.

“Sorry about yesterday. I wasn’t trying to be mean or come off bitchy or anything,” I apologized.

“It’s okay. I just felt bad. I thought I did something wrong,” Mark answered.

“You didn’t. Don’t worry about it.”

Conversations like those became more frequent as things moved along, and I always felt bad after we had them. But luckily we got past them and we were able to focus on bigger and better things, like the fact that the gender reveal was getting closer and closer. We would find out at the four month checkup, and that was only a month away. I couldn’t wait to find out what we were having. The anticipation was honestly starting to kill me inside. I just wanted to know. I wanted to be able to buy adorable outfits and design the nursery and choose a name and feel prepared. I could tell Mark was getting antsy too. 

“Do you still think it’s going to be a girl?” I asked him one night, about a week before the doctor’s appointment.

“Yeah, I do. You’re set on the boy thing, right?”

“Yes,” I admitted. It was just a feeling I had. I could easily be wrong, but then again, maybe it was a motherly instinct.


It had arrived - the day we found out the sex of the baby. I was feeling nervous with excitement during the car ride to the doctor. It felt like I had been waiting my whole life to find out this big news.

“Well, this is your sixteen week checkup. You know what that means, right?” my doctor asked with a smile, as if I didn’t know.

“We find out the sex of our baby,” I grinned.

“You two still want to know, right?”


She did the usual process of putting the gel on my stomach so we could see what was going on. Sure enough, there was the baby. I madly scanned the screen for any signs that it was a boy. I wasn’t seeing anything so far. Either I was blind or…

“I don’t see any male parts. It looks like you two are having a baby girl,” my doctor revealed. I looked up at Mark, and he was beaming. There was absolutely no way for either of us to contain our happiness purely at the fact that we finally knew, but Mark still managed to turn it into a joke.

“I told you so!” he said, reminding me that he had a feeling it was a girl all along. We both started laughing, and suddenly, in the middle of it all, I felt a tear slip out of my eye and down my cheek.

“Is something wrong, Claire?” Mark inquired, a concerned look on his face.

“No, nothing’s wrong. I’m just happy,” I decided.

“I am too,” he replied, his arms around me.

After that, we decided we should celebrate, so we headed to a really good bakery downtown. I was craving a peanut butter chocolate cupcake. Mark had to use the bathroom, so I went ahead and got in line to order for the both of us. After about a minute, a guy got behind me in line.

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