Chapter Seven

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Day two with Stephanie was beautiful. It was eighty-five degrees and sunny. For some people, that was borderline too warm, but to Stephanie and I, it was perfect beach weather. In the morning, we put on our swimsuits, covered up with tank tops and shorts, filled up a beach bag, and left. Unfortunately, Mark was stuck at home, making videos. He wasn’t upset about it, though. He could go to the beach with me whenever he wanted, and he knew I was in need of girl time.

I had finally decided that one of my favorite things about living in L.A. was the short distance from my apartment to the beach. It was my number one place to be in the summer, and I could say the same thing about Stephanie. When we arrived and got everything out of the car, we both took our flip flops off and held them as we walked through the sand. It was already starting to get hot, but at the moment, it was bearable. I enjoyed the feeling of it on my feet and I took in the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. I spotted a few seagulls, begging someone for food, and I just smiled at their dedication. They were annoying birds at times, but it would seem strangely quiet and bare without them.

“Have I mentioned that I love this city yet?” Stephanie inquired as we laid out our towels and set up camp somewhat close to the water.

“I think you might have,” I laughed. “Do you need any?” I wondered as I pulled sunscreen out of the bag I had brought.

“No thanks,” she answered. I put the regular sunscreen back and retrieved my own, which was made to protect tattoos and keep them from fading. Normally, I did everything I could to avoid using sunscreen, but I couldn’t avoid it anymore if I wanted to get my money’s worth with my ink. Stephanie shook her head as I took off my tank top and shorts and began smearing the lotion all over.

“What?” I asked when I noticed.

“You and your tattoos,” she laughed. “Is that one new?” she wondered, pointing to the phoenix on my thigh.

“Yep. I got it three and a half or four weeks ago…I don’t know the exact time frame, but I know it’s old enough for me to be able to go swimming without ruining it,” I recalled.

“It looks really nice. All of your tattoos do. They suit you.”

“Maybe you should get a few so we can match,” I suggested, my eyebrows raised.

“Ha! Yeah right. You know I’m too much of a wimp to do that. They wouldn’t look right on me, anyways.” Stephanie was never a tattoo and piercing girl. Her only piercings were her ears. I had always liked dark colors, but she had a more bright, sweet, pretty style, hence her new floral bikini and my black, studded one. We were opposites in that way, yet we were so close.

“You ready to get wet?” I wondered, after we laid out for a bit and talked.

“Definitely.” We headed for the ocean. It felt cold at first, but we adjusted to it, and it felt good on our warm skin. After wading around in the water for a while, we unpacked the picnic lunch we had brought, which included sandwiches, chips, and cookies. The seagulls found their way over to us at that point, and luckily for them, we were nice enough to share a little.

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