Chapter Twelve

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In Mark’s P.O.V.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked, my hand hovering over the car keys that were sitting on the kitchen counter. Claire had scheduled a doctor’s appointment so we could have the pregnancy officially confirmed, and it was time to go. Even though we both were very sure that there was a baby, I almost felt nervous. It was going to become very real when we talked to the doctor, I just knew it.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Claire responded, slipping into her flip flops and throwing her purse over her shoulder. I snatched the keys off the counter and we headed out the door. It was a beautiful day outside. That was how it usually was for LA, but lately it had actually been pretty rainy, so it was a nice to get the sun back for a change. Claire and I couldn’t let anything ruin our day today. Nothing was worth it, especially not this doctor’s appointment. Of course, I wasn’t very worried about Claire. In the week that had passed, she actually had begun to embrace the idea of us having a baby. She looked at ideas online for a nursery and clothes and she started doing research on dealing with pregnancy and the dos and don’ts of it. When she first told me, I thought she would stay upset for a while, but luckily that wasn’t the case. Maybe it was partially because I tried to get her to see the positives of it all. It was about time I started to believe that it was all going to be okay, too.

The ride to the doctor’s office was quick, but somehow it gave Claire and I plenty of time to get antsy and maybe even a little nervous. I grabbed her hand as we sat in the waiting room and squeezed it to calm the both of us down. The office wasn’t very busy, so we were tended to after only about five minutes.

“Claire Golding?” a woman called out her name and we both stood up. “This way.” We followed her into the room and she did a basic check up and asked questions. Then the doctor came in. She put the cold gel on Claire’s stomach and we waited in silence as she searched for a sign of any life forms. It took some time, and I began to have new fears. What if there was no baby? What if the tests had been wrong? Or worse, what if they had been correct but something had happened?

“Well…” The doctor spoke, but then paused. Claire and I exchanged nervous glances. Something was wrong. I knew it as she continued.

“It looks like you are definitely pregnant!” she said, and relief flooded over Claire’s face. I knew she had already gotten attached to the baby.

“So there really is a baby in there?” I asked. It was a stupid question, but I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Yes, there is. It’s hard to see, but this little shape right here is your baby,” she explained, pointing to a little blob on the screen. 

“Wow,” Claire sighed. She seemed amazed. I was too. It was so small, and it was ours. I was excited, but I couldn’t help but have the same fears. I didn’t want to have a son or daughter that took after my anger issues, and I didn’t want to endanger my child either. I wasn’t sure if I could deal with something like that.

I tried my best to hide my scary thoughts as I listened to the doctor give us advice and answer Claire’s questions. There was only one thing I wanted to ask - how likely it would be that my condition would get passed down - but I didn’t want anyone to know how I could be. I didn’t want anyone else to think I wasn’t fit to be a dad. Me thinking that was enough to tear me apart already.

“What’s wrong, Mark?” Claire waited until we were in the car to ask it.

“Nothing’s wrong, babe,” I answered, but she didn’t believe my lie.

“Yes, something’s wrong. I can tell. I don’t know if you’re nervous or scared or what, but you were holding back in there,” she told me.

“I guess I’m just a little afraid,” I admitted, trying to focus on my driving.

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