Sick!Blind!Deku AU (KatsuDeku)

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(Me: You guys should be happy that I Love My Readers!!!

Izuku Midoriya have been sick and blind ever since he took in a lot og chemicals when he was 3. (Me: Don't ask how) The reasons he did it was because he was bullied, and one day Katsuki Bakugo or as Izuku calls him 'Kacchan' said that Izuku should go kill himself. Bye when he found out what happened to Izuku he felt GUILTY for doing it and was actually NICE to Izuku, buuuut he was still an asshole to everyone's else.

Since Izuku could not leave the hospital Katsuki came to visit everyday to give Izuku company. Even when. He got into UA for the both of them and the dey he got his letter from UA he also confessed his feeling to Izuku a d they're Dating.

Another fact is that everytime he get into the Hospital, he is either in the same room or the room next door to Izuku, and that confused his classmates when they came to visit and he was not in the room that they got.

The class (1A) had seen Katsuki leave more and more after class and when they where hanging out. So they decided to follow him to see what it is that is so important.

3rd P.O.V

Katsuki had just left School Grounds and everyone elso followed him. After some walking they see him walking into the Hospital, they also heard him talking to the woman at the desk whose name tag wrote 'Luna'.

(Me: Idk how things or stuff like that work in Hospitals so just deal with it. Kay? Good!)

Desk Woman or Luna: "Ah! Bakugou-Kun here to see Midoriya-Kun again?"

Katsuki: "Why else would I be here?" he said as he began taking a crad out of his bag

Luna: "Yes, les me just see your card- oh you already have it, now let me just... Done! Now you know where to find him" she said as she scanned his VIP card

Katsuki: "yeah see ya Luna" he said Monotone as he began walking to a exclusive part of the hospital. The part for the people who can't leave the hospital.

The class knew that they couldn't go in there so they stayed outside the hospital and waited

With Katsuki:

When Katsuki got into the room he saw his Boyfriend laying there in the bed his dull green eyes staring off into space

"Hey Deku," he said in a soft voice

The Greenettes head peeked up

"HI Kacchan! I missed you!"

"Heh, I missed you too"

After a LONG time of talking

*Knock* *Knock*

Izuku: "It's open!" he called

The door opened

Nurse: "Midoriya-Kun, tomorrow you are going to be visiting UA!" She called

Izuku: "Why?"

Nurse: "because they just made something to help you see!" she exclaimed happily

Izuku: "NO way! really!? COOL!"

Nurse: "Yes, and Bakugo-Kun here is going to be wheeling(?) you around in your wheelchair for the whole day!"

Izuku: "I'm so excited!!"

~*Time Skip: the Next Dey*~
~*brought to you by the Cinnamon Roll we all call Izuku or Deku*~


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