FT & SDS Crossover

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(Me: SDS means Seven Deadly Sins for the people who dont know) Team Natsu consisting of Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray, Wendy and Carla is in a Library bc of a job to translate an old book that have passed down from the clients Family in generations and they are trying to a book to help translate it but when they find a book to help when they've read the first 3 ½ lines they gets thrown into a portal and end up in the middle of the Forest,

"Where are we!?" Lucy asks franticly

"In a Forest" Natsu says mockingly

"Yeah i know that already!!!" Lucy shouts back

"Lets walk around a little and see if we can find a Village" Erza says calmly

"Aye" eveybody says

~*Time Skip: After they have walked a little*~
~*Brought to you by Elaine's Cuteness *~

"Hey i see something" Gray says and he sees something that look like a tavern

"Then lets go there" Erza says

when they get closer they see that it is a tavern and when they arrive they see that its called the Boar Hat

"Boar Hat? Never heard of it before" Lucy said and began walking over

"Hey Luce wait up!" Natsu said running up to her so that they could all walk in together

They all walked inside together to dee a little blond haired serving 5 men some ale

"Hey got room for 5 more?" Natsu alf yelled at the boy so that he could hear him

"Right over here!"

The boy turned around and asked some of the men to scoot over to he side so that the 5 new comers could sit there. Then the boy took some empty mug over to the counter to fill them up again.

"For such a little boy he's a hard working waiter" Gray said to the rest of Team Natsu

"Oh, no Buddy i'm not the waiter. I'm the owner of this place" He said and walked back to the counter

"Eh? a little boy like him?" Gray asked himself

"Welp, i'm hungry ima go ask if he serves strawberry cake here" Erza told the others as they nodded and she stood up

"Excuse me boy" Erza said as he turned around

"sorry but im not a kid. But yes miss?" he said

"Do you by any chance serve strawberry cake here?" Erza asked

"Sorry, we don't, but you can the mat pie that made this place famous" he told her

"Then i guess that will do, and let it be for five people" She told him and with those words he turned around to make a Meat Pie and she went back to her friends

"So, did he sell any cake Erza?" Lucy asked

"No unfortunately not" She said as she cried Anime Tears

"But he had some Meat Pie that i ordered instead" she told her afterwards

"Yay Meat!" Natsu yelled

Then they saw the little boy walk over with some kind of Pie on a tree plate

"Dig in, this is the meat pie that made the boar hat famous" the boy stated proud

"Lets dig in!" Natsu yelled

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