"We will, Brandy." I smiled at her, putting my flowers in the vase.

"Be safe, you hear me?" She question seriously, pointing a finger at Matt. "Bring my baby girl home in one piece tomorrow."

"Absolutely, ma'am." Matt agreed.

"Stay right here!" She demanded, scurring out of the kitchen.

"Okay?" I chuckled as I looked up to Matt, who was staring down at me.

Gosh, it's insane how much I love this boy.

"I can't wait for you to see what I have planned." He whsipered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Me, too." I whispered back, "I'm so excited!"

I leaned up and planted a sweet kiss to his lips. It probably lasted longer than necessary, but we were interruptedwith a flash.

I looked over to where the light came from to see Brandy standing there with the camera.

"Oh, Brandy.. No," I relented.

"Your mother wanted to be here, she at least deserves some pictures." Brandy said sweetly.

"Come on, Aud. A few pitures won't hurt," Matt attempted, setting his hand on my lower back.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in. "But not for her, for us. I need more pictures for my scrapbook."

"How many more pictures do you need?!" Matt chuckled, as Brandy lead us over to the fireplace. "We take like a gazillion everytime we see each other."

"But today's special."

"Come on, Love Birds." Brandy squawked, catching our attention.

She took lots of pictures; silly, nice, sweet, crazy. We posed in so many different positions.

"I'm gonna uploade these to the Mac and email them to your mom." Brandy informed us once she finished snapping shots.

"Bye, Brandy." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, baby girl."

"You ready?" Matt asked as we neared the door.

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag." I said, running back to my room to get my bag I had packed for tonight.

It was a simple small duffle, filled with clothes, makeup, a bikini, and a few hair items.

Matt and I are staying at a grand hotel tonight. It took a lot of begging, but it worked out.

My mom didn't care, Tom was against it at first, and Brandy was nuetral. Then Brandy convinced Tom and arranged everything for us. Except Matinee, that was Matt. But everything else was Brandy.

I returned with my belongings in hand.


"Give me that," Matt chuckled, grabbing my stuff out of my hands.

We walked down the drive way to our limo. He swiftly opened the door for me like a gentleman. I climbed in the limo with Matt following. I passed him a small thanks as I slipped in the seat.

The drive there was fun. There wasn't one silent moment. We reminiscent about the good times, the bad times, the fun times, and the sad times. And we made out.. like a lot.


"Matt, this is beautiful!" I said, as He pulled out my chair for me to sit. Looking out the window next to my seat in the restaurant, I could see the crystal clear sky with the stars twinkling bright. It has such a gorgeous view. All the city lights and buildings. Miami is so pretty at night.

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