"Sei-chan and Seiji-chan has been staring over here without blinking," she giggled. "Why don't you go over there and talk to them?"

Tetsuya glanced over at his grooms to see that Akiko was right, they were quite bold with the staring.

"Oh uh..."

Tetsuya turned bright red and his parents couldn't stifle their chuckle.

"Go get them, Tetsuya." Yuuto smirked. "I think it's about time."

"W-What?" Tetsuya blushed.

"I mean, it's almost time to go." Akiko winked. "Everyone has had their fun, so you three should have your own as well."


Tetsuya was literally steaming in embarrassment. He couldn't believe that it was his own parents that was coaxing him to do so.

"Go on, Tetsu-chan~"

"We'll be taking care of everything from here."

Akiko and Yuuto congratulated their son once again, and each gave their respective good lucks whilst their son's cheeks heated up.

The twins simultaneously raised their eyebrows when their bright red wife started making his way towards them.

"Tetsuya?" Seiji grinned once he was stood in front of them. "Why do you look like a tomato?"

"I-I do not!" Tetsuya pouted. "It's just... the lighting is off."

"Right." Seijuro took a sip of his champagne and chuckled. "Is there something that you would like to tell us, our lovely wife?"

Tetsuya's eyes widened and his cheeks turned into an even darker shade of red.



Tetsuya bit down on his bottom lip and the twins perked at the certain action. Tetsuya leaned over to the two and sultrily whispered into their ears.

"I'm here to tell the two of you that I will be waiting in our room, my husbands~"

The Akashi twins simultaneously groaned and felt a twitch beneath their pants once their wife pulled away.

"Holy fuck."

"See you~" Tetsuya smirked and winked at the two before walking away.

Seijuro and Seiji felt their hearts thumping loudly against their chest as they watched Tetsuya walk away with a vague swaying of his hips.

"Fuck." Seiji cursed. "I don't think I will be able to control myself tonight."

"Me neither." Seijuro chuckled darkly. "My my, I didn't thought that our wife had it in him."

A smirk made its way to the redheads' lips as they prepared themselves for the activity that they have always been waiting for.



Did I just do that? So embarrassing!

Death of the Bachelor | Akakuro [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now