Chapter 15: "First Time"

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Draco's POV:

I rolled over in bed, my body and head feeling restless. I can't sleep, I'm too anxious about tomorrow.

I moved closer to Harry, absorbing his warmth, spooning him.

Harry's in my bed right now.. my heart fluttered.

I wanted to kiss him so bad. His shoulder was peeping out from under the blanket so I propped myself up on my arm and slowly brought my mouth to it, connecting my lips to the bare skin.

His head turned slowly up towards me, his eyes open. He wasn't wearing his glasses, they sat on the table next to him. He looked beautiful. His eyes looked my face up and down.

"Can't sleep either?" His mouth parted as he spoke in a whisper.

"No". I shook my head.

There was quiet for a few moments, Harry and I still looking at each other.  I watched as his eyes travelled from mine to my lips and back. I gulped causing my adams apple to bob slightly.

He brought his hand up to push a strand of hair that had fallen in my face to behind me ear. His hand stayed rested on the back of my head.

I felt a small pressure from Harry's hand, it lightly pushed my head down towards him and I let it. He still looked up at me.

Harry's hand stopped pushing once my face was milimeters from his but he kept it there.

It was still quiet, and I could feel his breath against my face.

My mouth open and closed as I breathed, brushing my lips slightly against Harry's.

"Kiss me, Draco". He asked in a whisper and that was all it took for me to send my lips crashing against his aggressively.

He sat up slightly, his back against one of my pillows and pulled me into his lap as we kissed.

His hands gripped my hair tightly and I moaned slightly. I felt myself getting turned on. And I wondered if Harry could feel what was happening in my pants against him. That question was answered quick.

He wrapped his arms around my lower waist and pulled me closer, I felt my area rub against him. He paused for a second breaking from my lips. "Draco, you're- uh.." He blushed brightly.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I-" I pulled back slightly as I was embarrassed, but he gripped on to me and brought me back in closer.

"It's okay, Draco. It just surprised me is all". One of Harry's hands rested on my cheek. "Can I kiss you again?" He questioned.

I gulped and nodded.

His lips connected to mine again, pushing against me hard. He bit my lip gently causing my mouth to open and slid his tongue in. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss only deepend.

His hands made way to my butt, squeezing it and pushing my growing erection into him. Another louder moan escaped my lips. He continued to do this over and over, I could feel his hardness against me now too.

His hand slowly slid closer to the front of my pajamas, stopping on my inner thigh. I could feel his nervousness in me. He's never done any thing like this and neither had I. He seemed to get a small amount of courage and moved his hand the rest of the way to my crotch, rubbing.

I broke apart from the kiss and rolled my head back in a loud moan. Harry's mouth found my neck as he sucked on it. I could feel him smile each time I moaned.

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