Chapter 6: "Late Night"

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Hey everyone! I'm going to attempt writing another chapter of this. My writing style has definitely changed and improved since the last update, it's been a while. But I hope you all still enjoy it just the same! Looking at this now, there are multiple things I'd like to change and add on to(it's cringey).

I hope I'm able to get back into this, lately I've just been writing original stories for classes and what not. But I thought I'd give fanfiction another chance! So here we go, enjoy!
Draco's POV;

What's wrong with me? This all shouldn't matter, but it does. And on top of this all, bloody Potter knows how I'm feeling. He knows every ounce of sadness I'm feeling. Every drop of tear I shed. He sees through my wall, my act.

I mean so what if Father isn't proud of me. That's nothing new. But I still feel so... hopeless. I only got the letter this morning telling me not to come home for any holidays. He wants we to stay at Hogwarts alone. Why? I don't know.

I rolled over in bed, grabbing at a nearby pillow and squeezing its soft body into mine, feathers poked out slightly against my skin but I didn't care.

I tear slid its way down my cheek, making home on my chin, pooling.

Potter probably felt that. Git.

I wiped my eyes, rubbing them with my sleeve. There was no point to crying, it only made things worse.

I had let my guard down in front of him. I can't let that happen again.

I glanced towards the open window, cool air blew in, the curtains flowing with it. The sky was dark, it was late.

"Ughh." I sighed as I began to sit up. My bladder was full, I really need to piss.

The cool of the air nipped at any exposed skin it could reach, causing me to shiver. My feet were cold against the wooden floor boards.

I grabbed a sweater, pulling it over my head before exiting my room, and eventually the common room. Everyone was asleep.

The walk to the bathroom was long and quiet, but I enjoyed it. Hogwarts wasn't so bad when it wasn't swarming with idiot wizards, especially Potter who was the worst of them all.

As if I actually managed to get hexed to him, what fucking luck.

I rolled my eyes to myself as I started my way down the corridor.

Maybe it'd be better to find somewhere to sit. I could go to the library to try to figure out what this hex is. The quicker I figure it out the better.

I made my way towards the Library, it only took a couple turns. No one will be there, but I'll have to be quiet.

I walked slowly through the door, careful not to make any loud noises.

The hex section should be right over here- I stopped in place, looking down the aisle of books surprised and irritated.

"Malfoy... what are you doing here?" He spoke, his head looking up from the dozens of books that surrounded him.

"The same thing as you obviously, Potter. Why else would I be in the Library in the middle of the night." I spoke. Fuck. Really? Of course he'd be here, just my luck.

"Oh... I'm just looking at Hexes." Harry spoke awkwardly.

"Well you seem to have that covered." I gritted my teeth together and started to walk away.

" Wait..." Harry spoke, his eyes glowed from a nearby candle.

I paused annoyed. "What do you want, Potter?"

"There's-um. A whole other section of books, it'll go quicker if you look at them..." He glanced over to a shelf of books a couple down from him.

I stayed quiet staring at the shelf. I really didn't want to be anywhere near Potter right now, or ever.

"I mean, unless you'd prefer to stay hexed like this?" Harry raised one of his eyebrows.

Of course I didn't. I bit on the inside of my cheek angrily. Before sighing frustratingly and sitting on the ground a few feet from Potter and in front of the shelf, grabbing a book with a worn down cover.

I sneered. "Whatever."

Sooo, just a quick little chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed it, xo.

Sorry for not posting a lot, not sure if that'll change! But I really do appreciate you all so much.

Thank you for everything! ❤

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