Chapter 1: "The Hexing"

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3rd Person:

Draco walked down the corridors of Hogwarts. It was pitch black and he couldn't see. The boy held his wand up, quietly mumbling some incoherent word. A bright light emitting from the end of it. It was still dark, but he had to piss so he really didn't care.

He walked slowly, occasionally hearing the paintings complain.

"Turn that damn light off."

"We're trying to sleep."

"Sorry.." He mumbled back and lowered the wand a little blocking the light even more.

Draco continued to walk, when he heard something that sounded like faint footsteps.

He stop and glanced around him, still unable to see. He shrugged it off as an echo and turned to continue his search for a bathroom. Bumping straight into someone, he fell onto the ground, stranger falling on top of him. I bright light quickly zapped them and then disappeared followed by footsteps running.

"Oof." Came out of his mouth once he made contact with the ground and the other person fell.

"I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice rang once what happened filled into their mind.

"It's fine. My fault." Draco replied embarrassed. Draco embarrassed? That's a first.

The wand had gone out so the two couldn't tell who each other were.

The person on top stood up, brushing their clothes off and extending a hand towards Draco.

He grabbed it and was pulled up.

"No problem..." The other replied.

"Do you see your wand anywhere?" The voice asked confused.

"Umm..." Draco looked around and made out a shape on the ground. "Over here" he walked and picked it up.

"Mine's over here"

It was quiet and both boys didn't speak.

"Well I better go-" Draco started.

"Wait! You sound familiar... I just can't figure out who you are."

"Guess." Draco tried to be cocky but it sounded like he was confused.

"Jared? From Ravenclaw?"

"Ew no."

"What's wrong with him? He's a good lad."

"He's Ravenclaw."

"You must be a Slytherin."

"The best and hottest Slytherin actually." The cockiness returning to his voice.

"Hottest? Yah right.. Best? Wait..."



"Indeed." His heart started beating fast and he felt nervous.

"It's uh... It's Harry." The voice gulped.

"Potter?" He knew the voice sounded familiar. Why must it have been him. He thought.

It was quiet between the two, awkwardness suffocating them.

Draco coughed and turned, continuing to walk to the bathroom like that didn't just happen.

Every swear word he could think of racing through his mind. He let fucking Harry Potter get him all flustered. He couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster and faster the longer he thought about it. Damn git.

Draco hurried off to the bathroom and did what he nearly did when he realized it was Potter. He returned to the Slytherin common room, careful not to bump into his enemy again.

His heart still racing as he closed his eyes, enveloping him in darkness yet again.

Draco couldn't help but feel... Weird.

I hope you all liked the first chapter! This is an idea for a fanfiction I came up with. I have no clue how this will turn out or when I may continue it but this is a start :) Have a good day everyone!!

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