Chapter 10: "Hogsmeade"

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Harry's POV:

The snow grew thick across the grounds of Hogwarts, Christmas break was quickly approaching and it was time for the school to make one of their famous trips to Hogsmeade.

I threw on my winter clothing, a thick sweater underneath my robe and a gryffindor coloured scarf, hat, and mitts before making my way out of the common room.

The halls were packed with mud and slush from people coming out of the snow. A mop was enchanted to clean but was making little progress.

Ron and Hermione were waiting in a circle with the rest of the students going to Hogsmeade. I met up with them, wrapping my arms around both of their shoulders.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them.

"Hey, Harry!"
"Hey! You ready to go?

"Ready!" I gestured to money I had in my pocket. Hogsmeade is always a great place to buy gifts and with Christmas coming up the timing couldn't be better.

The walk there was fast, I chatted amongst Ron and Hermione about their Holiday plans. Ron and his family are taking a trip this year to Rome, and Hermione is spending time with her family in some lodge.

I told them i'd be staying at Hogwarts and training with Dumbledore, something that I hadn't done in a while. I've been too caught up in the hex.

I caught Draco walking near the front of the group, he looked back and smiled at me. Maybe I could spend Christmas with Draco seeing as he is also spending it alone at the castle. I'll have to talk to him about it tonight in the library. I should get him a gift...

The streets of Hogsmeade were busy of rushing witches and wizards going in and out of shops.

Hermione, Ron, and I seperated from the bigger group of students and made our way into a cozy little store called 'Critters & Creatures' hoping to find a gift for Hagrid.

Near the back of the shop we found gribgrubs which are used to attract a variety of creatures with its scent and taste. Though to humans it really just smelt like rotton onions. Not very pleasant. We quickly purchased a pack and left the store.

We checked out a few more stores. "I'm going to go look at some stores alone, get some gifts for you guys". I winked. "I'll see you guys soon okay?"

"See you in a bit!"

My first stop was the book shop for Hermione, of course. That girl can never have enough books.

Her gift was easy to find, she'd been talking about wanting a copy of "Hogwarts and History and more History Edition two" for ages. I paid for it and left.

Next I went to "Quidditch Daily" and picked up a jersey of Ron's favorite player for him.

Now to just find a gift for Draco... this was going to be hard.

I entered a clothing store, but quickly turned around and exited. Draco probably has enough clothes, also I feel like it'd be weird for me to just buy him socks. It needs to mean something.

I made my way through the stores. How about Books? No. Flowers? Definitely not. Hair products? That's just stupid.

This is impossible. I paused scratching my head and sighing. A slight jingle of a door caught my attention, I had stopped in front of a store I hadn't seen before. 'Objects of Many', was painted above it, the store was warn down and paint obviously faded.

Might as well check it out.

The inside of the store matched the outside, a smell of sage and lavender filling the air.

Bits of furniture, clothes, articles, plants, teacups, maps, and random items filled the walls to the brim.

I walked around the store for a good 30 minutes, I'm never going to find something good for him.

That's when I saw it.

A small silver chain, just big enough to wrap around a wrist. A constellation built into it and a tiny green emerald marking each star.  It was gorgeous.

I picked it up carefully, I could feel a slight warmth as it touched my skin.

"Very fine choice, young sir" A man, wrinkled with age, approached from behind a stack of furniture. "The only one of it's kind, very special." He took the bracelet from my hands and gestured me to follow.

He brought me to the cash, and I grabbed the money out of my pocket, handing it to him.

The man placed the jewelery in a green box with a small silver bow on top. "Must be for a special person".

I smiled awkwardly, a hugh of pink meeting my cheeks. "No one like that, it's for a friend. Thank you for the bracelet". I gestured to the box in my hand.

He smiled back and I left the store.

I looked down at the small box and squeezed it slightly. This is perfect. Now to find my friends.

I walked around the corner of a building and into someone else. "Oof." The box flew to the ground beside me.

"Sorry!" A voice spoke and I felt apologetic.

"Oh, Draco it's you!" I smiled widely. "Always bumping into me." I teased.

"Harry!" Draco smiled back. "And I think youre the one always bumping into me". He nudged me slightly laughing. Then bent down to pick up the box. "Here you dropped this".

"Oh- thank you". I smiled even wider and went to grab it from his hand but he wouldn't let go.

"Who's this for?" He teased slightly but was more curious. He didnt let go, so both of our hands were on it.

"A friend". I spoke nervously, my cheeks pink. Hopefully he doesn't open it, I don't want him know it's for him.

"What is itttt?" He questioned and held it up high, examining it.

I jumped to try to reach it.

"Draco!" I repeated at each attempt. "Please give it back".

"Don't worry, Harry. I'm only teasing you, here you go". He smiled and set the box back in my hand.

"Thank you". I smiled back.

He squeezed my hand slightly before letting go. My heart beat harder as he did.

"We still meeting tonight? The usual?" He questioned hopefull. I could feel it too.

"Yes, definitely". My smile grew wider. "I'll see you there".

"Good bye, Harry". Draco brought his hand to my shoulder, resting it there for a second before turning to walk away.

"Good bye, Draco".

I continued to make my way to Ron and Hermione, finding them both sitting on a snow covered bench discussing all the different gifts they bough for people.

"Hey guys!" I yelled to them as I walked.

"Hey Harry!"
"Hey! How'd all your shopping go?"

"It went great! I gestured to the bag full of stuff I was carrying.

"Well, best be off to Hogwarts". Hermione spoke. "Most people have already left.

And like that we walked back along the path to school, snow began to fall lightly as we did.

I'm looking forward to tonight. I smiled slightly to myself.

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