Chapter 9: "Library"

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Draco's POV;

I made my way towards the library, Harry and I agreed to meet again tonight to continue looking for clues about our hex once we knew everyone was asleep.

I was the first one there, I chose a shelf that had not yet been searched. It was closer to the area Harry was searching the night before but not too close.

I scanned a couple books before Harry arrived. He had on a set of Gryffindor Pajamas. He smiled softly at me and I returned it.

"Sorry I'm late, 'Mione was up late studying. She finally decided to call it a night." He spoke apologetically.

"Sorry, it's-" I sighed "it's okay, here I am apologizing too. Damn hex".

Harry laughed slightly. "Which shelf are you checking through?"

"This one". I pointed to the second shelf from the bottom infront of me.

"Any luck?" He asked hopefully.

"Nope". I shook my head.

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out". Harry was hopeful. "I know we will.

He started to make his way towards a shelf but stopped and hesitated beside me. I could feel that he was nervous. His eyes glanced at me then to the open ground next to me. He breathed out deeply before sitting down infront of the shelf next to mine.

He looked over to me awkwardly, me clearly feeling the same and spoke. "Hi".

"Uhh.. hi?" I replied back hesitantly, confused as to why he was sitting so close to me.

"Mind if I sit here?" His finger tapped lightly on his knee.

"N-no. Go ahead." I looked at my hands in my lap before looking back at him.

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

Harry grabbed a book off of the shelf and began to read the pages carefully, not to miss any detail.

Time passed on with little to no talking, just peacefull quietness.

"What about this?" Harry asked, his finger pointing to a spot on the page.

I dropped my book to the side of me and leant in to read what he was showing me. "Emotional crossing".

My heartbeat picked up quickly, hopeful to have finally found an answer.

"The incantation for the hex is-" Harry began before I interupted.

"Skip to what it does!" I said excitedly but impatient as I scooted closer to read, my leg that was overlapping Harry's going unnoticed.

"Sorry! It says that when casted it will temporarily connect emotions between one person and..." Harry spoke hopeful.

"And what???"

"Its on the other page, one second." He flipped the page expectantly. "Okay here it is. It connects the emotions between one person and... and a... an animal." Harry's voice faded from excitement to disapointment.

"Fuck! A fucking animal?!" I stood up as anger filled me. "We've searched so many books and the closest thing we've found is some animal spell?"

"I'm sorry, Draco. I really thought that was it. I'm sorry." Harry's head fell into his lap, his hands holding the top of his head.

My anger began to fade as quickly as it came. I paused, looking at Harry. My eyes watered. He's... crying? Shit.

I stood awkwardly in spot as his body shook slightly. Without thinking my feet moved towards him and I sat back down. My hand moved slowly towards his back before placing itself upon it.

His body twitched slightly at the touch. I've never comforted someone before but it seemed I knew what to do.

"It's okay, Harry. I'm sorry I got angry. We've just been looking for days now with no luck. But we won't give up, we'll keep looking until we've searched every single book. Okay?" I shouldn't have yelled.

His head lifted back up and his eyes puffy and red from crying met mine. He nodded. "Okay Draco."

One last tear dripped from Harry's eye, my hand went up towards his cheek. I used my thumb to wipe it away, before stopping. Harry's eyes were big at the action. My hand twitched back instinctively. What was I doing?

I slowly got to my feet, looking down at him as I did. "I'll see you here tomorrow night?"

Harry nodded redness creeping across his cheeks. "See you then".

The next night was the same. But this time we met up on our way to the library.

"Hey". Harry smiled at me as his pace met up with mine.

"Hey". I smiled back at him. It's still so weird to be on good terms with Potter, to trust him. It felt good.

We made our way into the library, it was colder tonight than it had been the others. Winter seemed to have arrived, a light blanket of snow covered the grounds and trailed muddily into the halls.

I wore a emerald green sweater to keep the little amount of warmth that my body had intact.

Scanning the books seemed to take forever, but at least it wasn't just me here.

"Harry, look at this". I scooted closer to his spot on the floor and put the book between us.

"What is it?" He questioned poking the page causing his shoulder to brush slightly against mine.

"A hex to make someone's toes into frogs feet!" I laughed gently. "Imagine Filch trying to chase us around with those!"

Harry laughed, "Miss Noris would try to eat him for dinner! I see her sometimes down by the lake trying to catch frogs."

I laughed harder, a small snort escaping me. I paused embarrassed and wide eyed at Harry.

"Did you just snort?" His laugh grew heavier and more toxic as he leant over the book hysterically. His hand slapped down on my knee.

"No. I don't know what you're talking about". I crossed my arms defensively. I kept that up for a few seconds before Harry's laughter got contagious and I was practically bent over him laughing just as hard. "I've never done that before-" I paused trying not to laugh but failed. "It just sorta happened!"

"It was so cute!" Tears brimmed his eyes as he contiued laughing.

Cute? My laugh caught in my throat and my cheeks burnt slightly. Did he just call me cute?

Harry's laughing began to die down as he realized what he had just said. He sat up slightly to look at me, his hand on my knee going unnoticed. His cheeks turned a rosy colour. "S-sorry, I... It was just really funny". His hair hungover his face slightly as a small smile found its way to his lips.

I smiled back at him, "I haven't laughed that hard ever".

"Well you should more often, it suits you". His smile grew bigger as he moved his hand to fix his hair and sat back up straight. "It really does".

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