Chapter 12: "Boyfriend"

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The days at Hogwarts seemed to go by slower as the students and teachers waited eagerly for the Christmas holidays. Though, the only two who didn't seem to mind were two boys. They enjoyed each slow pacing day as it came and went, looking forward to the next to come and living in the moments that were there.

Draco and Harry, at first an odd pair grew to enjoy the other's company. Each night meeting amongst the dozens of shelves of books due to a problem that now made home in the back of their minds.

They said good night the day they had first kissed unexpectantly, unsure of what it meant and what was to come. All they knew was that it made each of them fill with butterflies. This time Harry had been the one to kiss Draco before saying good night.

The two of them decided to spend Christmas together, and Harry was excited to give Draco the gift he had bought him. Draco too had bought Harry a gift when he went to Hogsmeade, a thin silver chain with a amethyst connected to it that he had found in a old looking store of random items.

The next day was full of lingering eye contact between the two and an excessive amount of blushing and "accidental" bumping into one another.

Harry spent most of the day distracted by the thought of Draco while Draco spent most of the time thinking about kissing Harry again.

On one occassion Draco pulled Harry into the abandoned classroom he brought him in forever ago and kissed him. Harry was startled at first but kissed back when realizing who was kissing him.

"What's this about?" Harry smiled as they pulled apart.

"I just really needed to kiss you again". Draco replied and kissed him for what would be the multiple time that day.

After the little exchange they agreed on meeting up as usual in the Library. So with some long and boring lectures they both couldn't wait.

Harry never thought he'd ever spend this much time in the Library, but he started to think it was his favorite place in all of Hogwarts as long as Draco was there with him.

"Y'know..." Draco began as they sat against a shelf with their legs intwined. He was rubbing the back of Harry's hand with his thumb.

Harry looked towards him.

"I'm really happy". Draco smiled.

"I'm happy that you're happy". Harry nudged his shoulder jokingly. "But really, I'm glad. You deserve to be happy".

Draco nodded his head before looking down. "What do you think will happen if people find out?"

Harry paused for a second before speaking. "I don't know. They could be really happy for us, or they could be the opposite. It's hard to say. But for me, they don't decide who I want to be my boyfriend."

"Y-you want me to be your boyfriend?" Draco stuttered. His chest was beating fast, Harry's mirroring it. He looked up towards Harry who was already looking down at him.

A blush grew to his cheeks. "Yeah.." Harry was nervous. " I do. Don't you?" He question.

"I would love to be your boyfriend, Harry". Draco's smile spread wide across his cheeks.

Harry kissed him hard.

The two boys sat cuddled up on the library floor, each of them feeling a sense of happiness and warmth.

Though unfortunately that feeling wouldn't last for long.

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