Chapter 8: "WHAT THE F-"

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Draco's POV;

I groaned deeply as I rolled over in bed. The light from the early morning flooding in and burning my eyes slightly.

Class started soon and I knew I couldn't be late again, Snape was back and I needed to stay on his good side. If he even has one.

Two hours of sleep only adds to my want to stay in bed and waste the day away.

I thought back to last night with Potter, I opened up a little to him. My cheeks burnt slightly of embarrassment, what a stupid thing to do. I shook my head. Stupid.

The doors to the potions classroom were open wide, giving a false sense of welcomeness. Everyone knew Snape was back so there was little talking as other students hurried towards their seats.

I walked into the classroom, planting my usual-and fake- sneer on my face. Snape was at the front of the classroom, but he wasn't who I looked for first.

My eyes found him, Potter. He was sitting to the far side with his friends. Our eyes connected and my sneer dropped for a second before I remembered where I was. My chest beat fast with nervousness, and I knew Harry felt it too.

I'd never opened up to anyone, nor would I ever think of opening up to him. But I did... and I think that was okay.

"You don't have time for stupid relationships. You don't need friends. They don't care about you. There are bigger plans for you afterall, my son." My heart panged painfully as my Father's words filled my head.

I hung my head low, the feeling of Potter's eyes against me very present.

Was he right? Or was Harry last night?

I don't know.

Class was dismissed and I grabbed my bookw trying to leave quickly and make my way towards Herbology.

Loud murmering of others talking filled the halls and path down to the green house. I kept myself at the back of the group lost in my thoughts.

I stepped outside to begin my walk down the path.

A pair of hands jumped out from behind the cobble wall and gripped around my arm pulling me so my back was against the wall. I reached for my wand but the other hand stopped me.

"Wait stop! It's just me. It's Harry." The voice spoke.

My eyes opened at the sound, I didn't realize I had even closed them. They were met with round glasses and a mop of dark brown hair.

"WHAT THE FUCK POTTER!" I pushed him back.

"I'm sorry! I needed to talk to you!" Harry pleaded.

"You didn't have to abduct me to do that!" My voice was still raised.

"Shh, please. I didn't want anyone to see us talking." He put his finger in front of his mouth, before moving it to  scratch his head awkwardly. I began to feel awkward to.

"Fine. But its against all of me not to take my wand out right now and send you flying across the yard. What do you want?" I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms.

Foot steps and voices began etching their way along the path on the other side of the wall. Harry stared at the cobble. "Not here, we have to go somewhere else." He grabbed my arm and began to drag me without letting me protest.

"You can't trust anyone".
My heart panged again at the words.

We walked for a while before making it to a large willow tree that sat beside The Great Lake. Its branches providing a little secluded area from the rest of Hogwarts.

"How did you find this place?" My eyes grew bigger at the sight. I didnt know a place so quiet existed at Hogwarts.

"My dad used to come here with my mom, I saw it in a picture and spent most of my first and second year looking for it until I finally found it. His hand grazed a spot on the trunk of the tree. The initials Jp and LE carved into it.

"And this whole time I thought you were busy following me around the castle." I smiled slightly.

Harry laughed.

"What did you want to talk about? Did you figure out something about the hex?" I questioned as I watched Harry sit against the tree.

"No.. unfortunately. I just wanted to ask if you.. if you were okay? Back in potions I felt something, and it seemed serious. And I just..." His voice trailed off.

Of course he wanted to know what was going on. My hand tensed a little and I looked away.

"Don't kid yourself with friends Malfoy. You don't deserve any. They'll just use you." My fist grew tighter.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not my business.." Harry tensed at the quietness in the air. "I shouldn't of brought you out here, I'll go."

I sighed. "I keep repeating his words over and over again in my head". I looked back towards him.

"What words?" Harry turned back around.

My throat strained and I gulped. "People don't care about you. You don't deserve friends. They'll only use you, like you will use them. Trust no one. There are bigger plans for you. Stupid relationships will only get in the way."

"Those aren't true. You know that right?" Harry spoke softly. It was weird to hear him talking to me like this.

"I- I don't know."

"It isn't, I promise. It may seem like you can't trust anyone, but you haven't tried. Before I came to Hogwarts I was raised by my Aunt and Uncle, they had a son around my age and they treated me like shit every day because I was a wizard but they hid that from me. I would cook, clean, and sleep in a closest under the stairs. I thought I couldn't trust anyone, but then I came to Hogwarts and I realized I could. You're your own person, not your father. Whatever he expects of you.. doesn't need to be who you are Malf-" he paused. "Draco".

"I didn't know that happened to you." My voice shook. Maybe Harry was right. Or he wasn't. But for once I wanted to believe him.

"And I didn't know anything that had happened to you. We don't have to be friends Draco, but you can trust me". He extended his hand towards me.

"He'll only use you, Son."

"Okay". I met his hand with mine shaking it.

My chest lifted slightly, and Harry's smile made me know his did too.

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