Chapter 18: "Coming Clean"

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Harry's POV:

"Professor!" I screamed as I ran down the chilly and frost bitten corridor of Hogwarts. It was dark but I used my wand to help light the way.

Draco was in trouble, I could feel it in my bones. Something was terribly wrong.

My footsteps echoed rappidly as I came to the entrance of his office.

I knocked against the wooden door forcefully, as I struggled to catch my breath. I had run all the way here from Hagrids hut, I was wishing him an early Merry Christmas when I got the feeling that something bad was happening to Draco. It was more than just his anxiousness that I had been also been feeling all day. It was fear, for his life. Hagrid had gotten startled when I suddenly jumped up and screamed that I had to go before rushing out the door in the middle of a snow storm. My entirety now drenched from the heavily falling flakes of snow.

"Harry?" His soft voice spoke as he glanced me up and down, noticing my   drenched clothing. "What is the matter, boy? Come in, come in".

I rushed into his office still breathing heavily. "Dumbledore, something very bad is happening. It's Draco, he's in danger". My body shook in the cold, but the warmth from a nearby fireplace helped to slowly warm me.

Dumbledore took out his wand, casting a spell to dry off my clothes before walking to sit in his desk chair.  "In danger? Please, sit Harry" he gestured to the open chair in front of him. "How is Mr.Malfoy in trouble?" He continued when I sat down, my body shaking.

"I-I don't know how, but I just know he is. I can feel it Professor. He went home this morning, and something must have happened to him. His father must of did something to him". I tried to explain but I could tell Dumbledore was processing what I said. My eyes began to water as I held back tears. "He's scared for his life, and he cold. So cold." My body shook again.

He rubbed his beard in his hand as his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Please, you have to believe me".

"Relax boy, I believe you. Though it seems you're withholding something, how can you know how Mr.Malfoy is feeling if he isn't here to tell you?" His voice was calm and understanding.

"I- I..." my words stuttered. "Draco and I got hexed earlier in the year, we don't know what hex it was or how to remove it. But we've been able to feel the others emotions. So I know he is in serious danger professor, I can feel it". My chest tugged in my chest and I brought my hand to rest on it over my shirt.

"I see..." He paused for a while, thinking. "And I figure you witheld this from others incase it could be used against each other?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry but we couldn't risk it. It was dangerous for both of us if anyone knew. But Draco needs help and I didn't know what to do besides come to you". Tears rimmed my eyes, threatening to spill over. "I don't want anything to happen to him, sir".

"Mm." He nodded. "I do not blame you for not coming to me Harry. But I see we are in quite the predicament. If he is still at the Malfoy Manor I'm afraid there is nothing I can do." His mouth began to frown.

"I don't think he is, it feels like he's outside. He's cold and It's like there's wind against my face. Like he may be flying." I stood up anxiously.

"We'll both do everything we can to help Malfoy. I see he is very important to you?" It was less of a question and more of a statement as he raised an eyebrow knowingly.

I nodded my head anyways. "Very important". My cheeks turned pink.

We spent hours trying to use spell after spell to figure out where he was with no luck.

Emotions (A Drarry fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя