Chapter 17: "I Can't Do This"

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Draco's POV:

The train door closed and I made my way towards a compartment. I jolted forward as the train began to move. I entered one and placed my nearly empty bag on the seats opposite of me.

The train was deserted, me being the only passenger having to travel on Christmas eve.

I glanced out the foggy window, a light snow was fluttering to the ground, the storm that was coming starting to make itself present.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply as a wave of anxiety hit me.

What ever happens... I can handle it. I rubbed the silver chain wrapped around my wrist reassuringly. Harry will still be there when I get back.

I repeated the words over and over in my head. I'll be okay.

The train ride felt like it went on forever, but for once I was okay with that. I breathed out the breath I seemed to be holding and shakily grabbed my bags as we began to slow and eventually come to a stop.

The doors opened and I forced myself to step out.

I looked up to see an older man dressed in black with a sign that read 'Mr.Malfoy' on it. Of course, Father sent someone else to get me.

I walked towards him, planting a sneer on my face. Back to acting like I don't care about anything.

"Mr.Malfoy". He bowed slightly at me.

"Where's father?" I questioned, though I already knew the answer.

"He is quite busy young master, he sent me for your arrival". He bowed down at me again.

I nodded and began to walk, he followed.

"There is a car waiting for you". He gestured to a running slim black Rolls-Royce.

I walked towards the door, reaching out to grab the door handle, though he beat me to it.

I hesitated slightly before sitting. He closed the door behind me before rushing around the front of the car to the drivers seat, setting the sign with my name on it in the empty passengers seat before pressing on the gas.

My whole body was overwhelmed with anxiety, I continued to play with the bracelet from Harry, calming my nerves slightly. I felt bad that I was also putting Harry through all of my anxiety and problems because of the hex.

The drive went too quickly for my liking and soon enough we were pulling up to the dark and overlooking gates of Malfoy Manor.

They swung open to reveal the estate and I sighed, I'm back in hell.

The car slowed to a stop and I stayed sitting, unable to move. Was it too late now for me to go back and catch a train back to Harry? Definitely. Besides there aren't any more trains until after Christmas.

"We've arrived Mr.Malfoy". The driver stood opening my door.

I came to my senses and began getting out of the car. "Thank you, sir. And it's just Draco". I smiled at him and extended my hand for him to shake.

He paused unsure as to why I was being nice. He probably isnt used to it considering he works for father. "Uh- Thank you sir- uh- Draco". He bowed at me again and shook my hand.

I held my bag in my hand as I made my way up the many steps, my heart pounding out of my chest.

The tall door stood infront of me, trimmed with silver and gold. I went to open the door, though the doorman beat me to it.

"Well.." I whispered to myself. "Here we go."

The house was quiet, as per usual, besides the crackling of a fire place. The sound usually comforting, was infact the opposite.

Emotions (A Drarry fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora