Unrequited Love PT. 2

Start from the beginning

"Am not!" Michael huffed but still couldn't hold back the small smile on his face.

"Yeah and I'm Athena," Rich responded sarcastically, causing Michael to laugh.

"There's my happy lil bro, don't worry Micha. You'll get em soon enough, you just have to be patient. That sound good?" Michael nodded and hugged Rich.

"Thank you for helping me."

"No problem Micha, now c'mon, let's get to class."

Also there's no squip here because my bb Rich doesn't deserve that kind of torture. Proceed.


Michael walked into the cafeteria, not bothering to get a school lunch. He tried it once and ended up sick for a week. It wasn't fun.

When he sat down, however, he felt a surge of energy from nearby. He caught Rich's eye, who seemed to feel the same thing.

Michael whipped his head over to a random table and immediately spotted Jeremy talking with Christine, both talking and blushing happily.

It was then that a new feeling struck Michael prominently.

He had felt it before, but this time it came at full force and showed no signs of going away.


As a god of love and beauty, Michael never really experienced heartbreak. It was always the other way round. It just came with the job. Now, he was on the recieving end with absolutely no way to fix it.

Michael felt tears prick his eyes and when Jeremy started to walk towards their normal table, the feeling only got worse.

Michael quickly scrambled to grab his bag and get up, accidentally shoving Jeremy out of the way as the rushed out.

Jeremy hissed in pain as he looked at his arm. The patch of his shirt was burnt and his skin beneath was already bleeding. A burn scar.

"Michael? Michael wait!" Jeremy chased after him.

Jeremy spotted Michael turn a corner towards the forest and ran after him, confused.

At one point he nearly lost the boy but by then he recognized the path he was going down. He and Michael had always come to the secluded part of the forest to be alone and play in peace.

Jeremy spotted the boy on the ground, sobbing. The grass around him was already burnt and Jeremy noticed shoemarks burnt into the ground where Michael has stepped.

"M-Michael?" Jeremy asked quietly and saw Michael jump.

The atmosphere of the area quickly changed, as if all the peace and calm had been wiped away, only leaving sadness and despair in its wake.

Jeremy blinked, tears suddenly forming in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.

Despite this, Jeremy took his place in front of Michael and tried to put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly, only to pull away when he felt the extremely hot shoulder that should not be that hot. (Beautiful description ayy)

"Michael what's wrong?" Jeremy asked quietly.

Michael sniffled and looked up at his friend, his normally bright and enthusiastic brown eyes dulled as if the light in them had been wiped away as well.

"I've never understood human emotions..." Michael mumbled. "At first you feel the happiest and your best around one person, but then it can all of a sudden change to sadness and...what did Rich call it...heartbreak? I dunno..." Michael rambled.

"What do you mean 'human emotions'?"

"I-I...I don't even know. There's just so many and it's so hard to understand them all. I don't get how you humans deal with them Jer," Michael said, leaving his friend still confused.

"Are you saying you aren't human?" Jeremy asked, thinking the question was stupid but was taken aback when Michael nodded.

"I was planning on telling you later, but I guess since we're here now you might as well know," Michael wiped away the remaining tears he had and took a deep breath.

"I'm sure you've heard of Greek gods before as you guys call them. Unless you weren't paying attention is class." Jeremy nodded.

"Well have you heard the story of the two missing gods?" Michael asked.

Jeremy nodded, the topic being one if his favorites. "It was Arodite and Ares I believe. It was rumored that Arodite was pretty much banished from their kingdom and Ares stayed with him, therefore abandoning the kingdom as well," Jeremy summarized as Michael flinched at the memory.

"Well...nice to meet you Jeremy Heere. I'm Arodite, God of Love and Beauty," Michael said with a small smile.

Jeremy blinked, his jaw dropped. "No way..." He murmured.

"Yes way," Michael sighed, laying back on the ground and letting his powers do their own work.

Slowly, the charred grass and leaves returned to their normal color and flowers began to bloom around him.

One flower, however, grew right in front of Jeremy and wrapped around him arm gently before seemingly detatching itself from its stem.

"Holy shit, you really are Arodite..."

Michael gave him weak finger guns from his laying down position.

"Wait...if you're Arodite, then where is Ares? Wasn't he with you when you..." Jeremy trailed off, not having to finish the sentence.

"I won't reveal who he is yet. Not until I get his confirmation on it." Michael said. (Rich and Micha are siblings but for safety reasons they were given different last names if they were ever discovered)

"That's fair. By the way, you never told me what's wrong..." Jeremy mumbled and felt the atmosphere drop again as Michael tensed up. "You said it had something to do with heartbreak?"

Michael sat in silence for a moment before standing up. "The flower tells it all. When you figure it out, let me know what you think, okay?"

Jeremy nodded and looked at the flower wrapped around his wrist.

The dullness in Michael's eyes brightened again as regained his quirky personality once more.

"I'll see you around Jerbear," Michael waved as walked away, leaving Jeremy to stare at the flower before him.

Jeremy wasted no time in rushing home and plopping himself in front of his laptop.

He researched endlessly until he found the flower and it's definition.

Lavender Rose: Often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight.

Jeremy felt himself blush and looked down at the rose, only to see an unnaturally blue rose bloom beside it.  Not having to research much, he found it's definition pretty easily.

Blue Rose: Embody the desire for the unattainable. They say "I can't have you but I can't stop thinking about you"

Jeremy frowned at the definition. Was this what Michael really thought? If so, Jeremy made a promise to himself to change that blue rose into a beautiful red chrysanthemum.

Oh lookie there it's the end. I couldn't bring myself to make an angsty ending when all Micha wants is love.

Also I've got a huge ass oneshot thing that's based off another oneshot that I've spent too long on but I might just end up making it a book with how lengthy it is. I wanna know what you want me to do. If it becomes a book then I'll just update it as much as I can but if I make it a one shot series there's probably going to be a good 5-6+ chapters dedicated to it since it will be from each characters POV.

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