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'Where did the rest go?'

'They died out. Dragons were getting killed by the humans. The humans thought we were a threat to them, so they wiped us out. 

There is a special group of humans that hunt us. They are called the Dil Dhadakne'

'We have to go back.'

'We can't go back.'

'And why not?'

'Because you're in danger.'

'Of what?'

'They have come. There is a reason they are special.

 Unlike the rest of the hunters, these three hunters can sense when a dragon in born. 

They have been searching for me for a while. I knew they were getting close. We weren't able to talk yet, so I couldn't warn you. So I went out on my own.

 I could only learn to fly at midnight. It's the only way for me to grow and be able to communicate with you. Dragons can only be born at the first light of day, or the darkest part of the night. 

I was born at midnight, hence my dark color. My blue eyes come from my name. 

You have called me Sanaa, but my real name is Azora. My name comes from my eyes.'

'Thank you for saving me, but what are we going to do. We don't have food or any weapons to get food. We can't survive.'

When I said that Azora made a kind of dragon-like snort.


'I'm a dragon. Not a fly. I can catch and kill things. We don't need weapons. As for food. The place we are going to will have fruit.'

'If what you said is true, I will need weapons to defend myself in case we are ambushed.'

'Fair. I will take you into the forest and watch you from above.'

'Won't the humans see you?'

'I will look like a bird to them. Humans are not very observant.'

AzoraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant