Short Introduction

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These short stories are merely the things that popped inside my head that may be possible theories happening around the world or, that it just occurred to me as I wander through my road of life. However, I can't guarantee that this is fictional or non-fictional. But since it is just inside my head, it's probably going to happen only inside my internal world... Probably.

Which is also to say, I'm letting you, who are reading this, get few glances at my void of thoughts; They are very much random, but not entirely senseless. 

As an author would like to receive, give me any feedbacks at all since I don't really bite. I'm more likely to be "slightly smiling" when I've been given any comments at all of my works and how were they.

It mostly contains psychological and mystery. "Thriller", whether it is indeed thrilling or not, is entirely up to you. I believe you already get an idea of how they may go through.

Not going to hope and not going to be confident that you may enjoy the ride through it but.. be entertained anyway. So..

Welcome to my Twists n' Scribbles.

Twists n' Scribblesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें