Kuklos Mysterion (Insight)

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Everything is swallowed in silence.

The sky is colorful in shades of dark colours. Nobody will know if it’s day or night. Perhaps they’re a mixture, or probably neither. But definitely they gave off a sad color, as if God had painted the sky in sorrow. Is the color blue a positive or a negative introspection?

Silence is deafening. Those who couldn’t hear couldn’t listen. And those who couldn’t listen will misunderstand. And those who will misunderstand will cause chaos.

There is no sun or a moon. But, it was bright enough to see everything. And every living and non-living things are imperceptible. They are merely a bunch of silhouettes presenting on the ground. And nothing seems to be crystal clear in the world. Which one is the living and the non-living?

Mistaken, misunderstood, misinterpreted; everything is a-miss. Silence can cause chaos.

There are shadowy figurines fluttering beneath the sky. Perhaps crows and ravens but couldn’t tell which is which. But that doesn’t seem like a call for freedom. Is there such thing as a black dove?

Just because of that… each and every one of them are been deceived. Either for their own benefits or for their protection, they lie. Every parts existing in the world has their farther parts clouded, misty, in lies.

Underneath the sky there is a man lying on the dead ground. And those crows and ravens are flying above him, just around his area, just where the man could see them without moving an inch. And even then, the man couldn’t move a muscle. Immobilized, hearing their mockery for everything he will do and would’ve done, accusing of his sole existence. 

Everything is a lie.

I have deceived everyone and the world. Human beings are tainted, not knowing to be human. Not even knowing their true existence. I have lost hope in humanity itself. Disliking their manifestation of their well-being… no, their ill-being.

But as much as I despise such fatal creatures, I also despise myself. I am a very despicable being.

And so, I desire to destroy myself. Destroy my mind, body, soul… every cell living inside and outside of me. I’ll destroy every essence and my ashes therein, until there is nothing left.

But before that…. I should destroy the world.

This mystifying, deceitful, cruel world.

//I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about this. This is, just to explain further, an inside idea of the story of my renewed Kuklos Mysterion Story. The thoughts and feelings are very similar to my orginal, unsuccessful version but believe me it's a whole different plot. Stay informed.

Animus, in caliginoso..

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