Maid to Work

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There was a maid who was hired by a big family of five; a mother, a father, two sons and a daughter.

The reason for this is because all of them are too busy working or studying that none of them have time to clean their house, needing a maid who was trained to be what she was for; the expert living cleaner.

So the maid, cheery that she found work with a fine amount of pay, accepted the offer and said, "Leave it to me! I will make sure everything is crystal clear and sparkling!"

And so the maid got to work. Deliberately cleaning the spacious floors, ceilings, and walls. Washed the dishes, did every laundry, and made so far as to prep their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The family was happy at this that they gave the maid extra pay for such tremendous hard work, with that the maid was happy.

Days went by, the family getting used to her daily efforts, the demands were added up; the family with no time to clean their own rooms and bathrooms, they relied on the work to the maid as well.

"It will take time to clean everything from that forth, however, if that is alright with you... Leave everything to me! I will make sure even your rooms stay pristine and untouched!"

Like she proclaimed, her productivity lessened at this point, but the family was satisfied with the maid's efforts and values, that she won't do any harm and will simply do her job as implied. The family added more wage than is agreed, as a reward, and the maid was very happy.

A month has passed and the cycle continued, and more demands from the family who is even busier to shop for their groceries, they relied on their maid to make it easier for them.

"Leave that thing to me! I will make sure to provide everything your hearts desire and need!"

Obliged, the time to finish everything by the day stretched farther than scheduled, but the family was satisfied with the maid's capabilities, followed tasks efficiently without crucial mistakes in her job as implied. The family adding wage than is agreed, at the end of the day, the maid was tired but was also happy.

This continued on and on, and the demands increased even further. The family who had gotten way too busy with their personal work and life, they don't even have the time to take care of themselves anymore. The maid being talented and trustworthy, they counted on her to take care of their well-being routines as well.

"That's... such a request... but..."

The maid hesitated at first but obliged in the end. "Leave everything to me. How can I be worthy of a maidservant if I can't take care of my masters? I will make sure... to take care of things in my end."

However, this continued on and on, that the maid realized a little too late she doesn't have the ample time to take care of herself. But the demands continued to grow and this continued on and on...

...When the next morning, as the family was waiting for their breakfast, they were shocked to see a different person they never knew staying at their humble abode the entire time, carrying out their meal tray for them.

So the father of the family asked, displeased. "Who is this stranger covered with dust, mold, and dirt from head to toes, whose clothes tattered as a rag cloth and whose hair unkempt as a bird's nest?"

"But it is I, the one who makes your home tidy and orderly, keep your rooms and bathrooms fresh and squeaky clean, do your groceries, handles everything needed to be handling, all of those. I'm still a maid, although a little untidy. This is nothing to me."

Disturbed by the outcome of the talented, trustworthy, hardworking maid, the family sent her off. Telling her that she must not come back until she was as she is from the day they first met her. But they were not aware of the remains of her untidiness accumulating inside, their home being dirty but more awful than the first, once again.

The maid, being sent outside, with no one willing to help her scrub off the lingering stains all over her being, spread its untidiness throughout the world, and the world encumbered into chaos. Not only the family was upset about this but as everyone involved.

Still, the maid remained the dirty monster she never thought she would become. And so, at the end of it all, the maid was very, very unhappy.

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