Chapter 9: Broken

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Warning this part of the story talks about child abuse. If you don't feel comfortable reading this part of the story. The next chapter will have a summary.

Danny POV

The rest of the day went by fast. I spent the day in my office. I told Sam I needed to think about some stuff. And boy, did I need to. Weirdly, spending time with my 'parents' and class made me feel like I was getting dumber. Dani suddenly burst into the room. Pretty sure that gave me a heart attack.



"Mommy want you downstair." (She is four in this story)


I picked Dani up and made my way downstairs. That's when I heard the yelling.

"It is his birthday today! I should know I am his wife!" Sam yelled.

"No, it isn't! I should know I am his mother!" Maddie yelled.

"You are not my mother. And don't you dare talk to my wife that way," I said growling.

I dropped Dani and went to stand next to Sam. I swear everyone is looking for drama, literally everyone was watching Sam and Maddie fight.

"Danny, we have been over this I am your mother," Maddie said.

"You are not my mother and I am not your son," I yelled. "Especially since I am adopted!"

"How did you-"

" It doesn't matter how I know, I just want to know why you kept it from me."

"Danny we can have this talk later," Jack said.

"No! We can have it now with everyone watching! I want to hear your side of the story!"

"Well, you're mother left you because your mother was a teen when she had you and we offered to take you as our son."

"Bullshit!" I yelled.

"How dare you yell at me!" Maddie said.

"Someone take Dani to her bedroom," Sam said.

One of the workers took Dani to her bedroom while she waved at me with a warm smile. I waved back.

"You lie right to my face! What kind of person does that?! You kidnapped me from my family! Right when my real mother, father, and baby sister were killed. She didn't even have to chance to see the world. An unborn child died because of two psychopaths that wanted a 'son'. Not to mention kidnapping me right in front of my brother because you knew he couldn't do anything at the time!"

The whole room was silent. Even Clockwork was surprised when I found out the whole story.

"Danny..."Maddie started.

"No. You don't get to talk, it's my turn. Let me list all the bad things you have done to me. You might want to sit down. You ignored me, let Jazz to take care of me as some kind of burden to you. Which made her have to stop her from having a happy childhood and learn how to take care of a baby. Not to mention emotional and physical abuse. Like forgetting every birthday, Christmas, and every other day that a kid thinks is supposed to be a holiday they never forget. But no, not Jack and Maddie Fenton because there 'son' was a failure, a wimp, and a burden to all. An experiment to your tests for humans made to clean messes that exploded. Almost died trying to help you with your success with the Fenton portal! Another forgotten birthday for Danny Clockwork."

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt my tears fall from my face. Everyone looked at me with pity.

"Don't look at me like I am some beat up puppy. I don't want your pity," I said

I went to the kitchen and grabbed food for Dani and Me. I walked out leaving everyone speechless.

I was broken.

I was never wanted.

I was a mistake to them and to myself.

Danny Phantom: A Ghostly TripNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ