Chapter 1: Why Me?

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A/N: Not lying when I tell you this I am watching Danny Phantom while writing this iconic right? I am basic like that. Lol

Danny's POV

My name is Danny Fenton and I am the savior of the Ghost Zone.

Yeah... no this is not that type of story.

Hi! I am Danny Fenton. Also known as Danny Phantom but only Jazz, Tucker, Valerie, and Sam know that. Jazz or Jasmine is my sister. Tucker and Valerie are my best friends which happen to be dating. Sam is my wife but we hide the truth from everyone at school making them believe we are only dating. Jazz is married to Princess Dora or Dorathea.

Family. They say it is important my human family well except for Jazz don't matter to me. Why? We will get to those details later. My Ghost family is my real family which consist of my sisters Ember McLain, Kitty, and sister-in-law Dora. My brothers, more like brothers-in-law Skulker, Ember's husband. Johnny 13, Kitty's husband. My parents, are Clockwork and Pandora. (This is later lol) You might be wondering why I don't consider Jack and Maddie my parents well I was taken by the GIW (Guys in white) for 3 months because of my parents. Jack and Maddie tortured me and did multiple experiments. As a result, I have a y-shaped scar as a reminder. Just great.

We all changed. The Mysterious Three turned into the Mysterious Four our new member being Valerie. Team Phantom now has five members: Jazz, Valerie, Me, Sam, and Tucker.

Sam is now half ghost. In other words a Halfa. Due to Undergrowth taking her over. After the whole Undergrowth situation, Sam started to feel sick and soon found out she had ectoplasm in her bloodstream making her half ghost. Sam started wearing black skinny jeans, loose purple long sleeve shirt, and her classic combat boots. Sam has two tattoos a purple flower and the 'DP' logo on her back. She grew out her hair and now it is long and wavy.

This is Sam's ghost form but with long less messy wavy hair, less makeup, and combat boots

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

This is Sam's ghost form but with long less messy wavy hair, less makeup, and combat boots. The dress and gloves are the same.

I got taller, my hairstyle stayed the same but my hair grew out. Instead of my white shirt with a red oval, I wear a black sweatshirt to hide my many scars. My pants are the same. My tattoos are a green crown on my back as well as a purple flower (for Sam). And on my shoulder 'DP' representing me and Dani.

This is my ghost form

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

This is my ghost form.

Tucker grew more, he wears blue jeans the rest is the same. Jazz grew taller and cut her hair shorter. As well as Valerie.

In the Ghost Zone, Tucker and Valerie are me and Sam's Knights. I am the King of the Ghost Zone. Sam is the Queen of the Ghost Zone. The reason behind a muffin loving ghost and his sarcastic wife being Queen and King of the Ghost Zone was because of the battle with Pariah Dark. He called it the battle for the throne. Which, back then I didn't know what that meant but I defeated him which means I was the new King of the Ghost Zone.

Mr.Lancer's Class, Danny's POV

"Nice to see you not late for once Mr. Fenton,"  Mr. Lancer says.

"I try my best," I say with a smirk.

"Well, now that everyone is here we have a trip coming up in one day, Friday, which going to last till Monday. We are going to....."

"THE GHOST ZONE!" My 'parents' call out.

Why me?


A/N: First time writing a Fan fiction I hope you liked the first chapter. This took so long I have gained so much respect for Authors now. If I have any mistakes feel free to tell me. Bye!

Danny Phantom: A Ghostly Tripजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें