Chapter 28 Pt.2

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-Waiting Room

"Liam?" Called one of his doctors.

"I'll be back." Liam whispered to Zayn as he stood up and headed towards the group.


"I thought you fell asleep Hazza." Zayn put an arm around his son.

"How's Louis?" Zayn dragged his hand through his hair. This would remind him of times he would drop Harry off at his moms when Lou would get seriously sick.

"That's what Liam is going to find out."

"Have you thought of a world without Lou?" Zayn looked down at Harry who was looking forward at the white wall across from him.

"It would be so dull. I feel like the sun would never come back around and it would always be dark skies. I wouldn't be able to wake up and shake the feeling that something is missing. I don't want to have that feeling. It's like a hole in your heart that can never be filled. I would rather have Louis push me down a myriad of steps rather than him dead for the rest of my time in this miserable world."

"Don't say that Harry. Boo Bear will be alright no matter what happens. I know we aren't the most religious people but I think God is watching over our Louis and making the decision on where he truly belongs. Everything is in his hands now and we have to sit and just believe in him."

"Um, Zayn I'm going to head home with the girls." Perrie said walking over with cheeks flushed.

"You better not be f*cking while my kid is there." Zayn said with a playful smirk in his face.

"Shut up! Let's go girlies!" She gave Zayn a hug, waving at the others then leaving with the girls.

"Is Lou okay?!" In rushed a panicked Calum, Madison, and Cher.

"We don't know we haven't heard yet." Harry spoke in monotone as he faced the wall back towards the wall. "We'll never know."

"Liam's talking to the doctor right now." Iggy stood up to hug the others holding onto Calum a little longer seeing that he was trying his hardest to stay strong.

"Zayn, could you come here please?" Liam called. Everyone watched as Zayn walked towards Liam and the doctor who has been trying to save his eldest son's life. "This is Channing, Dr. Tatum, he's the main doctor assigned to Louis."

"Hello, I would say nice meeting you but not with matter at hand." Zayn nodded not really caring what needs to be said because all he really wants to know is how his son is and if he'll be able to walk out of here with all of his kids or a heart broken beyond repair. "Louis came in critical condition and has signs of a broken leg and a sprained wrist-"

"Is Louis going to live?!" Zayn couldn't wait and he didn't give a dn about these things. If his child was gone why would he need to know this?

-Lizzy's Room

"Ed." Lizzy gently called in a small whisper. She knew by now that Ed's favorite place in this hospital is this floor in front of that exact door.

"Did you want something darling?" The male nurse asked stepping inside.

"Could you sing to me? One of your songs that you've been writing."

"Yeah, let me go grab my guitar." Ed had been writing songs longer than Lizzy has known him. She lives to hear the soothing time of his voice when he'd sing to her. Of course Lizzy could bet her life savings on who each and everyone of his songs were written for.

"Any songs in mind?" Ed asked returning and now tuning his guitar.

"You've been speaking about All of the Stars and I've yet to hear it." Lizzy said getting comfortable in her bed.

"Any specific reason you wanted me to serenade you this night?"

"No reason in particular just kind of missed your voice ya know?" Ed chuckled slightly.

"Bullsh*t. I call it."

"How could you call bull? If anything you're the one bullsh*ting here." Lizzy gave him a small smirk.

"What do ya mean?" He has a confused look on his face.

"Taylor's looked oftenly bored lately maybe missing some of that red headed fanny." Lizzy winked as Ed threw a nearby pillow at her. "When was the last time you two had some action?"

"I am not having a conversation with you about my sex life. Besides you know as well as I do that me and Taylor are nothing more than friends."

"So are you planning on-"

"Stop." Liz shot her hands up in defense with laughter escaping her lips. "Little bugger."

"Love you too Ed."

"Ready?" She nodded as he began to strum his guitar.

-Waiting Room

"Is he?!"

"From his progress I can most likely tell you that your son is fine with luckily minimal injuries." Zayn let out a breath of relief.

"And why the hell didn't you tell me that?" Zayn said punching Liam hard on the arm.

"I thought you'd want to here from the man who saved our Boo Bear's life." Zayn hugged Channing real tight careful of his stomach.

"It's nothing at all. It's my job." He said modestly.

"Come on Zayn let's go to his room." Zayn turns only to stumble over his own feet and Liam steadying him.

"Are you okay?" Zayn looked up at Liam batting his eyes unable to process a word that was coming out his mouth.

"Zayn?!" Liam shouted as soon as the lad went limp in his arms. "Zayn!"

"Jesy grab the stretcher." Dr. Tatum ordered as he, with the help of Liam lifted Zayn onto the stretcher.

"Liam I can't let you back there." Jesy said blocking the passage leading to Zayn and Channing.

"Zayn! Jesy if you don't move now I swear you'll never step foot in this hospital again!" Liam threatened meaning every word.

"Then I guess this is my last day." Jesy wasn't scared of what might happen if she didn't move. She's done this long enough to not even blink when I meathead tries to take her on.

"Move." Liam growled literally knocking Jesy on her arse and walking away down the hallway.

"Liam!" Harry called catching up with him.

"Harry I'm not in a mood-" Harry had clocked Liam in the jaw knocking the words out his mouth.



I'm going to cause all types of hell XD😂😂

I have been a complete shit when it comes to updates and you guys can throw all types things at me when you get a chance.

LOU BEAR IS ALIVE!!!!!!! 😋😆😋

Okay update days are going to be either Mondays or Saturday idk yet

I have a bad feeling that the book is ending....with the hopes of a sequel :)👍👍

I should be merging (get it XD) the two parts together

Soooooo yeah I missed you guys 😂😂😂


Moments- One Direction

Skinny Love- Ed Sheeran

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