Chapter 17

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"Why'd you leave us?! You left daddy to take care of us by himself, you never called, and daddy and I cried for days. I waited for the day to see you walk back in the door. It was painful to see all the other kids on the block hugging and playing with both of their parents and I was back in the position feeling my mother didn't love me. Was it my fault that you left? You were so happy with daddy so it wasnt his fault and-and-"

"Lizzy!! Quiet. I am so serious oreo bit! I wanted nothing more than to come back and hold each and every one of you in my arms and it was in no way ever any of your faults. Everything was just to hard to process and by the time I was ready to come back I realized it was too late. I prayed that when I came back I would never have to see you in this position again."

"Daddy is sending Iggy to Adam and Juliana's for a week. I wouldn't be surprised if she's destroyed her room yet." Izzy shook her head.

"Liam was never good with situations like these. Iggy is a strong girl but she can't keep everything to herself and Daddy can't really handle this all by himself. Oreo there was a reason we wanted to adopt you." Lizzy heart twitched at the memory of the nickname she gotten the day she was adopted .

"When we had in mind of getting you it was because we really wanted a girl and so did your Aunty Nicola. She was originally the one who was suppose to adopt you." Izzy had felt Lizzy was old enough to find out how their family ended up the way they did.

"Your Aunt Nicola loved kids but only had boys and she so desperately wanted a girl so instead of taking the chance of having another boy she adopted. When her and your Uncle found out about you they were ecstatic because you had just recently got to the orphanage. After months of process they finally got approval to adopt you and luckily you had just gotten back from the other family that tried to adopt you. It was literally only days before they were coming to pick you up that it all happened. It all just happened so fast. That morning your Aunt Nicola, her husband, and three of her five boys were in the car and everything was normal. All that I know is I was on the phone with her while her husband was driving and the boys were in the back of the car. Nicola told your dad she would call us later because we were going to set up your room and get you everything you needed that day. That whole day was to prep for you but no one knew what was going to hapoen no more than 15 minutes later." Izzy paused and that told Lizzy to expect the worst.

"Next thing we know me and Li get the call and we're speeding to the hospital with their 5 and 13 year olds, Nick and Josh. When we got in all we heard was their names being tossed around. It was Nicola's name coming from the right, your uncle's from the left, and your three cousins from every direction but we didn't gey a chance to see one. They all died in a killer crash and we didn't know what happened until they had pronounced each and everyone of them dead. I've never seen your father cry before that day but I have never seen anyone cry tgat much in my life and it absolutely shattered my heart. We literally had to drag Josh out of the hospital and we wanted nothing more than to silence the heart  wrenching cries of Nick calling for his parents. When we got home that night your fathers thoughts went straight to you. I can't lie and say I wasn't shocked of course if your Aunt Chrissy or Uncle Alex would've died before thinking about their adooted kid but I didnt know what a bundle of joy you were. That night we called your Grandparents and nothing is sadder than hearing a mothers mourn over her lost child but it did come to shock when her mind went to you as well. From that night on I knew there was something special about you because even when mourning the death of a lost one you were always on our minds. That following day Li woke me up and said

"Come on we have to go shopping for our littke girl today".

I couldnt find a trace of sadness or depression. His face was all serious and his mind was set on you. It was like you instantly filled the spot of mourning for Nicola and he hasnt even lain eyes on you. So that day we dropped Nick and Josh off at your  grandparents place and were off shopping for you and buying stuff to decorate your room. He was ready to give you the world. He wanted you to feel like you could have anything you wanted as long as you wouldn't leave him. Believe me when I tell you Liam needed you more than you needed him. You had become your father's life from the moment that doctor announced Nicola's death to this very moment. His worst fear is losing you. When we went get you something ignited in him but when you had began to act hostile I saw that flame blow out. I have a feeling if I never would have came in and asked Iggy to come with us as well that Liam would've gone mad. I had never been so grateful to a person since Iggy agreed to come as well to me she had saved Li and that's all I could've wished for. When we got to take you home that night Liam couldn't fall asleep he was planning in his mind all the great adventures and trips he could take you on and that's when I truly knew he was a happy. I also felt something. I knew it was from then in always going to be about you and there wasn't enough love for him to give to Iggy. For a small amount of time I almost thought there wasn't enough love for me but I pushed that far away because I knew that wasn't true. He had shown several times that he would put you above Iggy and I knew she had noticed it and it amazed me how she paid it no mind. I know that my leaving must have been a blow for you all. Liam lost his wife, Niall was a newborn without a mother, you had lost an important figure in your life, and Iggy lost her rock. What I lost was the best thing that ever happened to me and that was my family. I tried to get myself to go back because I knew that every single one of you were losing your minds wondering where I might be but I couldn't. After I had finally worked up the nerve it was way too late. I had missed so much of your lives and I didnt think you'd guys would want me back. So I eventually tried to move on and when I did I found Justin."

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