✘ wrong number ✘

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Wrong Number

a Jeon Jungkook FanFiction

by noneee02


You: quick make a wish

You: Oops sorry xsend

Jerkface: i wish you were mine


Okay so, I'm really really reaaalllyyy sorry for being inactive for like a month. (Like always)

I want to start this new series 'Texts'.

Reason is, I was mostly inspired by other Texting stories and wanted to try it out. But the other reason is to feed you guys, I think writing like this will be hard but it'll be easier than describing every action a character makes. I can update more often than take a month to update one chapter of Fubu. In short, I want to be active for you guys and update more. So I hope you enjoy this new series and Thank you for understanding!

Of course, this book may contain MATURE content but remember this is FICTIONAL.

Also, sentences here are written as texts, meaning they're not properly constructed.

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