Chapter 23- Lexiam

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  • Dedicated to Lexiam shippers

A/N: Putting this up even tho we didn't hit 300 reads. Kind of disappointing, but I understand people are getting bored and gave up on this story for new ones. :/. Oh well.. love you all, enjoy. Not edited. 

     Alright, so this has been my life lately. I was in the hospital. Then I had to be in a wheelchair. For some whatever reason, Daniels stopped being my guardian and I was assigned a new guy. He didn't get fired, but he just...stopped protecting me, I guess. Quit. He still payed the bills for my health, but I haven't seen him around. I guess he didn't like me very much. I had to take physical therapy, and then I could finally walk again. Also, there hasn't been any sign of Ben or any killers recently. It's a little too quiet, almost makes me think it's over. Jordan said he wasn't going to go after him, and he was done focusing on revenge. We thought about getting back together, but realized that we were better off a friends. And, I dropped out of high school, considering I'm just too busy with my life. I know, I'm a freshman and I'm dropping. Normally, they wouldn't let me but considering all that has gone down, I went to court and it was decided. I would stop going to high school, at least for the time period. I will return when it's finally, really over.

        My new guardian doesn't talk to me at all. I really missed Daniels, I was getting quite fond of having him around. He wasn't really like a brother like Alex, and nothing like a dad, but he...I don't know. I was just starting to think of him as family. Anyways, my guardian sat in front of my house and well...guarded it. I made a coffee for him, but he simply refused. 

        "Do you want to come inside?" I asked. "It's sort of chilly."

        "Ma'am, it is my job to guard your place. Not slack around like the last guy. Remember, he's the reason you almost got killed?" I would defend Daniels, but I didn't want to create any bad blood with my guardian. "The kid is a good cop, but he get's attached too easily. He's too nice, too young. I have seen horrors like no other. I've been on the job for 14 years. I'm old, and I know how to do my job properly." Well, at least he was talking to me now.

"Not to be a bother or anything but, you're only guarding the front of the house. What if someone sneaks in from the back?" His face dropped, and he looked baffled, making me smile. "That's what I thought." I walked back into my house, and watched carefully. Instead of waiting in front of my house, he got into his truck and brought out cameras. I watched him as he set them up, all around the house. He came inside, and sat on the couch and attached a wire to the TV. Like magic, there were working security camera's surrounding my house.

"Now I can watch everything at once, and guard easier." He smiled. Damn, this guy is good. 

        My phone buzzed, it was Liam. I answered it.

"Hey, Liam!" I exclaimed.

        "Hey! I was wondering if we could hang out?"

"Can't. Stuck in my house for know, the whole being protected thing. We wouldn't ever be able to be alone." 

"Hmm. Oh. Well, I'll come over then." 

"Well-" He already hung up. That's Liam, inviting himself over. After about 10 minutes, he arrived.

        "Lexi Henderson! Let me in!" Liam yelled as I was in the bathroom. I brushed my hair and walked out, only to find my guard refusing to let Liam come inside.

        "It's okay! He's" They both waited for an answer. "My Liam." Liam scrunched up his face, confused. The guard let him in. 

"My Liam? Seriously?" He asked, laughing.

"Sorry, I panicked." I shrugged and we went to my bedroom. "So, what's up?" I asked, sitting next to him on my bed. 

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." He smiled. "Everyone misses you. The guys...everyone."

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