Nagisa thought to himself while they continue to walk toward the way outside the ministry. Meanwhile, Nagisa continued to ponder.

The second possibility doesn't seem to be possible since like what Mr. Karasuma said, it's one of the top tier schools in Japan, so having them accused for something like that is cruel in a way. So the first possibility, I think I'll have that one kept in mind. I'll check out Raikuzan someday after we get our classroom back.

Before he knew it, Nagisa and Karma were already on their way back to where the rest of their former class is. Karasuma had just told them to have a safe trip back home in this late and the two of them continued walking.

Karma on the other hand knew what Nagisa was up to the whole time so he wasn't worried why Nagisa was quiet the whole time. He was looking at him making strategic expressions, like having his eyebrows narrowed or never looking away from his front, or something like that.

Meanwhile, a few moments later, they reached the place where everyone was together with their former professor Irina, and they started to ask the two several questions regarding of their time with Karasuma.

Nagisa and Karma answered their questions briefly and calmly, but after awhile, they realized the time and Irina decided to tell the folks to go home before heading back toward the ministry.

"She's right. Since it's late, might as well we call it a day. We'll have another meeting tomorrow, so make sure you guys will be able to spare some time." Isogai decided to end their overall operation and proposed a meeting the next day.

Everyone else agreed to Isogai's idea and started going back home on their own ways.

The SUV, however, belonged to Maehara's family, so he rode it home together with Isogai, Okajima, and Kimura since the three of them are the owners of the electronic devices installed inside.

All that's left now is Nagisa and Sugino. They were both left out since Karma had a car and Kayano went home together with Kanzaki and Okuda, so the two of them were left to walk.

While they were strolling along the streets, Sugino was having a good time talking with Nagisa regarding about his life being a teacher and a secret agent in the night.

However, their conversation didn't last for long when something weird was going on.

While the two of them was about to walk past an empty alleyway, they heard bustling sounds of iron, probably a cat scavenging for food from a trash can. But the moment Nagisa went to check it out, it was no cat.

"What the—??" Nagisa's eyes widen in horror the moment he saw what was inside that alley.

It depicts the very image of death, a certain innocent man murdered in a very brutal way. Its neck was twisted and blood stained his clothes. His eyes were bloodshot dead fish and the rest of his body seemingly looked like they were crushed. Blood continues to flow out from his lifeless vessel and soon came to reek.

"Nagisa, what's wrong!?" When Sugino saw Nagisa tormented and his voice sounded like he was about to vomit, he rushed toward him, but soon came to regret it.

"W-What the hell??" He too was deeply struck in shock and fear when he saw the dead man in the alley.

But fortunately, he eventually got a grip of himself and tries to relieve Nagisa, shaking him.

"N-Nagisa! Get a hold of yourself! We must hurry and tell the cops!"

However, when Nagisa was about to come to his senses and stand up, a mysterious black figure went flying above them and they noticed it when its shadow flew across the alleyway in an instant.

By reflex, Nagisa went to reach for his gun from the back despite in terror awhile ago, but unfortunately, he didn't brought it with him today.

"Oh crap!" Nagisa clenched his teeth and tries to protect Sugino by raising his arm instead. However, his sense of danger was gone the next moment, eventually giving him the idea that the mysterious killer had disappeared.

Relief filled the two and they both heave out a heavy sigh before looking back at the dead man with guilt and regrets on their faces. Soon afterwards, they decided to find the nearest police station and turn this matter over to them.

A few moments, they reached one and reported a crime scene. They couldn't witness the murder however, but they were desperate to convince them that one actually happened.

Questions came the next moment, and eventually, the police acted and sent a small group to surveil the area.

At the police lobby...

"Sugino, let's try to pretend that this never happened." Nagisa told Sugino after recovering a portion of his strength.

"Yeah, it be probably better if we do that. But, what are we going to do with this?" As Sugino came to an agreement with Nagisa's idea, he went to show Nagisa a small metal box that was badly rendered and covered in blood.

"This, where did you get this?" Nagisa was confused and asked.

"I found it on a garbage can. I thought it could be some sort of an evidence, but I'm keeping it for awhile." Sugino explained.

The box had dents all over it and was in a bad shape, convincing the two that the police won't be able to help them with this. Although, they found a keyhole on the box still intact, wondering if there's something valuable inside.

"I'll take that then. I'll bring this to Mr. Karasuma tomorrow and see if this could mean something. Anyway, we better go home immediately after this. We don't want our folks to worry." Nagisa took the metal box and told Sugino to go home as soon as the police discharges them.

Moments later, after the police got some lead after checking their evidence, they were both discharged and went home afterwards.


End of Chapter 34

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