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I sat down next to him on the floor and didn't say anything. 

"What are you doing?" He asked not taking his eyes away from the ground.

"We're gonna find him Jug. I'm sure there's an explanation." I tried to make him feel better.

"He's all I have Soph.." He cried out quietly and I heard his throat become tight.

"He'll be okay Jug.  Anyway you're not alone, you have Arch and Betty." Mumbling in response I definitely wanted to include myself but I didn't.

"I don't have you anymore?" He looked up at me intently.

"Do you want to.." I questioned insecurely.

"Is that a real question??" He seemed more upset now.

"I thought you and Betty were still a thing though." I sat up straighter.

"If you would for once.. just once.. in your damn life trust me Sophia. I talk with Betty as my friend. I go to her house for the school newspaper and investigative purposes. That's it." He sighed.

I didn't know what to say. He deserved my trust but regardless I still questioned his intentions with Betty. I loved him. I knew I did. Being with him made everything better but how do I say that while being so insecure? A short time passed and neither of said anything.

Here it goes.

"I love you Jughead." I managed to say. "Not in that you're my bestfriend type of way either. I really truly love you but it's okay if that's not how you feel.." I started to ramble on and someone knocked on the door.

I stood up quickly trying to avoid what I had just said. I didn't even get to see his reaction. Opening the door, Toni stood looking concerned.

"Someone just pulled into the driveway" She said stepping aside so that Jug and I could walk into the living room. Without saying a word we all went through the door blinded by headlights. It was a black mustang with darkly tinted windows. The door slammed and a man stepped out.

"What's everybody doing here?" FP yelled confused as he stepped into our view.

"Dad?" Jughead rushed over to hug him. Their embrace was long and when they finally separated they walked over to us.

"What's all this fuss about?" He asked running his fingers through his hair.

"We didn't know what happened to you.. your truck was back but you were gone and I didn't hear anything.." Jug quickly explained the gathering here.

"Soph, Stan, I went to pick up your father. He's here. He's safe. But he's in hiding right now. This is his car." He gestured to the mustang. "He's gotta stay secluded for a while so we can deal with the authorities and the ghoulies especially but it's looking good." My spirits rose and I ran to hug FP.

Everyone had seemed to be holding their breathe until now and the tension was no longer present. I hugged Stan and we both thanked FP. My dad was okay. I would be able to see him again after all this time.. He was going to be okay.  Things were finally looking up for me. FP called everyone inside.

"Come on lets make something to eat" He said as everyone followed him. I was last in the line and Jughead was in front of me.  At that moment I had forgot about what was going on with my friend.  All I was focused on was my dad.  I looked up smiling.  Jug turned around when I looked up and stopped.  My smile faded and I was confused.

"Oh screw it." He said and walked towards me quickly.

"Wh.." I began to say, but before I could form the words his lips were on mine and I was kissing him back.  He placed his hands on either side of my face and I pulled him closer to me by his jacket.  The moment felt perfect.  Everything in my life right then was finally okay.  After a while we pulled away from one another and he stood there looking at me.

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