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Archie came in and sat on the couch. Shakily, I told him everything that was going on. He embraced me in another hug and told me how sorry he was, and that he was there for me. Feeling Jugheads eyes on me I pulled away from him and forced a smile.

"I have to get to school but let me know where you guys are later and I'll come over" He said hugging me and Jug and leaving. I sighed.

"Can you take me home to get some clothes please. No one should be home."

The drive to my house was silent and I still felt tired after sleeping through the night. Perhaps it was more mentally than anything.  I quickly ran inside and gathered some clothes, pajamas,  and things like my tooth brush and pillow.

I threw my stuff in the car and Jughead suggested we stop by the school to let my teachers know i'll be out the next couple days and to pick up any work I need.

I agreed and Jughead walked into school with me. We arrived at the office and Principal Weatherbee told me he was aware of my situation and they would do their best to accommodate my conditions. Thanking him, I headed to my locker to get the books I needed as Jug went to pull the car to the front.  I placed my head on my locker door and took a deep breath.  Just to my luck, the bell rang and first period let out. I stood with my face in my locker and hoped I would go unnoticed. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see Archie.  I sighed in relief and hugged him.

"Hey do you want to come to my house later? Maybe get out of the southside for a day before you're there for a little. Jug can come too! We can watch movies like old times. Get your mind off things" He smiled at me kindly and my heart melted at his attempt to comfort me. 

"Yeah maybe we -" I began but then my name was screeched in my ear.

"Sophia Shepherd! How DARE you sit here with my man as if you didn't try to ruin our relationship once." Veronica Lodge stomped over to me and cross her arms.

"V not now-" Archie tried to stop her.

"I don't need your drama right now V" I sighed and put my face in my palm.

"And I don't need you talking to Archie like he's your boyfriend. " She hissed at me as I looked back up.

"Well does that mean he's your boyfriend then?" I asked knowing they weren't officially together. She hated it. "Looks like he's fair game to me"

Archie closed his eyes in frustration.

Veronica brought her hand up and viciously slapped my right cheek as hard as she could. It stung against my face but.. it felt good. I had been numb all yesterday and that day. It was the first time I felt awake.  I didn't even flinch when she did it I just stared at her straight.

"Veronica what the hell?!?" Archie yelled and started to ask me if I was okay.

"Stop." I told him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you later, and as for you Veronica Lodge.. You're not worth my time." I turned and walked outside where Jughead was waiting in the car not even bothering to look at her reaction. 

"You okay?" Jughead asked as I got into the car.

"Fine" I sighed and we headed back to his house silently.

The rest of the day was blurry. The sheriffs  station called and told me i'd have to come in again and answer more questions tomorrow. FP still made no appearance and I slept on and off most of the day. My feelings were hurt though. Betty, who was supposedly my best friend hadn't asked once if I was okay. No calls. No texts. Nothing. I wondered if she was actually okay with what happened between Archie and I or the fact that I liked Jughead and he liked me. On the other hand I realized that I had came back to Riverdale and basically was involved with both of the guys she liked. Was I the bad friend? Or was she the bad friend for not checking up on me. I missed her honestly. She was the one I wanted to sit down and talk with. Not Archie. Not Jughead.  I took out my phone and texted asking her if we could talk.

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