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We sat in the car and talked in our driveway. He explained everything.  My father faked his death on my birthday non the less in order to protect us from a rival gang.  Apparently the Ghoulies has wanted my father dead due to him preventing multiple drug trucks of jingle jangle being delivered to Riverdale. My father supposedly stopped the trucks from being delivered because he knew the drug was being passed around and used by teenagers.  The thing he hated the most in the world was the idea that Stan and I would in some way become addicted to some type of drug.  The Ghoulies then began to threaten our family. They told the Serpents that if they didn't surrender my father they would start at our house, with us, and wreak havoc on Riverdale. To save us from the gang he did the only thing he could think of. He faked his death. He told my brother and mom but not me. He knew that I would've tried to stop him and I wouldn't be able to deal with it.

"Where is he now?" I asked overwhelmed.

"I'm not sure. FP Jones went to get him. That's your boyfriends dad isn't it?" He said not knowing it was a touchy subject.

"No. I'm thankful it's FP though." I sighed with relief and laid my head on the dashboard.

"I wish it didn't happen that way.. but he asked about you all the time and made sure you were doing alright" Stan patted my back.

"Can I talk to him? Have you talked to him?" I asked excitedly.

"Not since the police found out. FP should be back sometime soon though then we can see him" I smiled and hugged him.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you" I also said thank you for explaining everything and we went inside the house.  Our mom wasn't home and who knew where she was at this point.

"Hey Stan.. Did you and Cheryl break up? What's up with you guys?" I asked carefully but I knew something was up.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone." He sighed and I nodded agreeingly. "Cheryl is uh figuring out her sexuality right now and I'm trying to help her through it." He scratched his head.

"Wait so she likes girls? Or does she like girls and guys? Or none of the above? There's a lot regarding sexuality" I squinted and tried to think about all the options.

"Well she definitely likes girls but she's figuring out the rest and me and her are just friends now. I wanna see her happy even if it's with someone who isn't me." He sat down on the couch.

"You know Cheryl liking girls kinda makes sense" I laughed and sat next to him.

"THATS WHAT I SAID!!" He raised his hands and we started laughing. I had missed him. Our night went on slowly but comfortably. We watched movies together and ate snacks.  There was a knock on the door and we both looked at each other confused.  Stan hesitantly stood and walked over to the door.  He opened it and his expression changed from content to confused.  I stood up alert and ready for it to be the detectives from the police station.

"Hey you're Sophia's brother right?" I heard Toni's voice say from the door.

"Oh Stan let her inside." I said smiling as she embraced me in a hug.

"Listen. Jughead won't tell you because of whatever state you two are in right now but when he got home from school something weird was up." Toni sighed and sat down. "Supposedly FP was going to pick someone important up and bring them back to Riverdale. Well FPs truck was back at his house but FP was nowhere to be found nor was the person he was bringing back. Jugheads about to lose it. No one has seen FP since he left and his truck being back is a mystery to everyone. " Toni huffed at the big explanation and I was so confused.

To help Toni put the pieces together I explained what Stan has just told me about my dad.  She was as shocked as I was.

"We have to go over there." I said getting my stuff together.

"Let's go" Stan said grabbing his keys.


When we arrived at the trailer park FPs truck was in his yard next to Jugheads motorcycle. As we closed the doors to the car Jughead came outside to see who was there. A small blond followed him out of the house. Of course Betty was with him.. this didn't even have anything to do with her.

"What are you guys doing here." He sounded angry.

"Shut up and just listen." Toni said as she explained that Jugs dad was supposed to be getting my dad.

Jughead was silent and looked at the ground.

"So your guys' dad got FP wrapped into this?? What a guy." Betty hissed from behind Jughead.

I started walking towards her with full intent to slap her ponytail off her smug face when Stan grabbed my arm.

"I've known you for a long time Betty.. so I know damn well you don't want me to let go of this one because she will 100% kick your ass" Stan said narrowing his eyes and raising an eyebrow. I looked up at him and smiled. There's the brother I know and (mostly) love.

"Now apologize or I'll do it for her." Toni crossed her arms.

Betty's eyes were wide at this point and Jughead was silent.

"Geez sorry." She whispered and Stan let go of my arm. Jughead invited us all inside and I sat down on the couch in between Toni and Stan. It was crazy to think that I had felt at home here recently and now the smell of Jugheads cologne makes me sad. We all sat in silence trying to think of what we could do to figure this out.

Out of nowhere Jughead rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Betty jolted up and I thought she was going to follow him. Instead, she turned to me.

"You're the one that needs to talk to him Soph. Not me" She sighed and sat back down slowly. I was shocked and confused. "Please go."

Hesitantly I stood and took a deep breath.

"Ill try."

I knocked on the bathroom door and there was no answer so I went in without his approval.

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