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Stan shook me excitedly in the morning to wake me up.

"ITS HOMECOMING DAY!!" He laughed as I rolled over pulling a pillow onto my ears. 

I grabbed my phone and had forgotten about the Unknown number that had messaged me last night until the conversation popped up on my screen again. I closed the messages and looked at my other notifications. 

Jughead: I'll be there at 6:30. Can't wait to see your beautiful face.

I smiled. He was such a sweetheart.

Me: Can't wait!🥰

I had a lot of notifications from twitter and Instagram but I didn't feel like looking at them.  Then I saw Archie had texted me as well.

Archie: Come over before you guys head off to the dance. I want pictures with both of you. Also I'm going with Josie😬 (as friends of course).

Me: We'll be there at 7👍🏼💜

I rolled out of bed and took a quick shower. I was not very excited for this dance due to the awkwardness of all my friends but I knew it would be worth it.  I was drying my hair when there was a knock at my front door.

"Stan can you get that!?" I yelled from the bathroom.

"IM POOPING" He yelled back from the bathroom downstairs.

I laughed out loud and put my hair up into a towel. When I went downstairs i couldn't see who it was through the door window because they were turned away from me. I turned the door knob and Alice Cooper whirled around to greet me.

"Hello Sophia!" She let herself in and gave me a hug.

"Um Hi Mrs. Cooper. What brings you here??" I laughed uneasily.

"Well Elizabeth is in her room crying. She refuses tell me anything and won't go to her hair appointment. I figured you would tell me what's wrong or at least go talk to her." She looked at me intently waiting for a response.

"Well I cant talk to her.. um we actually haven't been talking." I sighed.

"What this time?" She didn't seem surprised.

I hesitated waiting to find the right words to try and explain everything without giving away too much.

"Mrs. Cooper do you think it's possibly to love two people at once. Not in just a friend way". I sat down on the steps.

"Well. Yes, I think so." She crossed her arms. "Although not often".

"Well I think Betty loves two people at once. I don't know which one she would rather be with but I don't think she knows either. I made the choice for her on accident and well it didn't work out and she blames me." I talked lightly and it felt good to finally get this off my chest.

"Well you can't control who you love Sophia. It's not your fault." She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Have you ever loved two people at once?" She asked me.

The question caught me off guard.

"Oh I don't know. It doesn't matter now I'm with Jughead" I forced a smile.

"It always matters. Well good luck at homecoming. Thanks for the insight" She waved and let herself out.  My head hurt after her being here. 

The rest of the day I stress ate a lot of food and watched Netflix with Stan. Usually this would be the time where you get ready with you girl friends but I was short on those recently. 

Finally at about 5:30 I started getting ready. I braided my hair to the side and put on my dress which was a black lace design.

Soon after, Jughead arrived and I met him at the door

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Soon after, Jughead arrived and I met him at the door.

"Wow you look gorgeous" He said grabbing my hand and spinning me in a circle. I laughed and gave him a tight hug.

"You clean up nice yourself Jones." I winked at him and he kissed my forehead.

He went upstairs into Stans room. Stan needed help with his tie and I waited for the pair of them at the bottom of the steps.

They came down punching each other  in their arms and laughing.

"There's my favorite boys" I shook my head in amusement.

"Um excuse me.." Stan looked at me trying not to laugh "We're men." We all burst out laughing and talked until it was time to head over to Archie's.

Jughead drove us in the truck even though it was a short walk. Everyone was in his front yard with their parents chit chatting.  Archie, Betty, and Josie were the first ones I spotted but then I saw Cheryl and Toni.

"I'm sorry Stan.. I didn't know Cheryl was gonna be here, are you guys cool?" I turned around to look at him.

"No yeah me and her a fine. We're friends and honestly it's better that way" He smiled back.

Jughead parked "Toni and Cheryl are an interesting pair. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it yet" He pondered the thought.

As we were getting out I added "I think they're good together." Jughead wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked over. 
Everyone greeted us except for Betty. She had her hair done and was in a pink dress. 

Archie came up to us and hugged me and Jughead while Stan went over to talk to Cheryl and Toni. We all took our pictures and our parents had to get about a hundred before they were satisfied.

"Betty, Soph, and Jug we need a group one!" Archie said innocently. We all forcefully walked over to one another. Archie and Jug stood in the middle and Betty and I stood on either side of them. The picture was taken and we all separated as quickly as possible.

Suddenly a limo pulled up in front of the house with music bumping from the inside.  Reggie's head popped out of the top and his hands rose above his head.


Everyone looked at each other awkwardly. We all knew Veronica was in the limo.

"Um who invited them?" Archie questioned seeming annoyed.

Cheryl stepped forward. "I did. Don't cry about it Red, she has a limo and who doesn't want a limo? Sit on opposite sides" Cheryl shrugged and headed towards the limo with Toni.

We all shrugged and headed to limo. Archie was the last one to get it. We were all a little squished but it was definitely cool.

You could tell Archie was trying very hard not to look at Veronica who looked nice I hated to admit.

"Wow Sophia! I don't remember seeing you in anything more than black skinny jeans. How nice!" She gave me a bitchy smile.

"I have blue ones too actually" I responded annoyed. 

We listened to music loudly all the way to the school and the entire time Jughead talked to Stan and Betty.  Meanwhile Archie and Josie talked about singing a song together tonight. I sat quietly talking to no one. The most interaction I got was a couple glances Archie threw my way but I don't think he realized I was watching him.

We arrived at the school and everyone piled out. Jughead grabbed my hand and we all headed inside.

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