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After the horrid events that took place in riverdale i'm not sure anyone really wanted to live there anymore.  I sure didn't. While I moved away staying with my Aunt Rose much happened in my little not-so-quiet home town. The murder of Jason Blossom turned into a full blown family scandal and left everyone wondering if our home was really all that safe anymore.

My thoughts drowned out the music playing softly from the car radio.  My brother always had a strange sense of taste for an 18 year old boy. Stanley was a great brother to me and always had my back. He wasn't the brightest at school and i even had to tutor him in some subjects but he never let that slow down his charisma. He was on the football team and was great at the game. On the long drive back home he told me he was still off and on with Cheryl Blossom even after everything that went down with her family. I told him many times that she wasn't good enough for him but he argued a strong hand that she has changed a great amount since i've been gone.

"What about mom?" I asked partially not wanting to know the answer.

"Don't expect anything different.. I tried Soph I really tried with her but.."

"It's okay Stan, I know.." I said giving him a lopsided frown.

My mother had never been the caring type. She was too engulfed with counting her money for gambling as well as counting the bottles of vodka she had left. It was always an "Yeah sure Sophia" or a "Whatever Stan do what you want."  You would think that would turn us into those wild party kids that never stop getting high but it really did the opposite. That plus the fact that my father ODd on my 15th birthday last year that and the mess i had made between my best friends. That's why I went to stay with my aunt, i had to get away from the drama that was riverdale while I dealt or tried to deal with the hurt I was feeling. I just couldn't understand why anyone would let that happen to them self. That's why Stan and I stayed away from the bad habits and instead we put all our energy in to sports. Him playing football and me playing soccer and being a Rivervixen. Sports were our home.

My brother pulled into our cracked driveway and turned off the car. We sat there for a while without words. He turned to me and sighed

"I'm sorry you have to be back in this household I know you liked Aunt Roses place so much better but I needed you here. I think this year will be different for us, but we have to stick together more than ever okay Soph?"

"Riverdale won't even know what hit them when the get a load of the Shepherd siblings. We got this bro" I smiled at him and he gave me a playful punch in the shoulder.

And with that my life in Riverdale started up again.

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