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I had stayed at the Whyte Wyrm until around 9 PM. When I got home Stanley wasn't there and neither was my mom. That wasn't surprising in the least so I simply went to my room. My phone buzzed in my pocket and it was Archie calling me.

I hesitantly answered

"Hey" I sighed

"Do you wanna come over? Talk about your first day back at school?" He sounded excited and I didn't want to let him down

"Yeah sure i'll be over in five"

I hung up and changed out of the outfit Toni let me borrow. I put on my grey sweatpants and a black tank top.

I made my way to Archie's and passed Betty's house. All the lights were off except in her room. I knocked on Archie's door and he quickly answered.

"Hey Soph" He smiled and hugged me tight.

Fred wasn't home and Archie said we could just hang out in his room and watch some Netflix on his laptop and talk. I followed him upstairs and sat down on his bed and yawned.

"How was your first day?" He said opening his computer and scrolling through movies to watch.

"It was bearable, not the greatest." I said as I walked over to his window. "So do you watch Betty when she gets dressed in your free time like a weirdo" I said laughing

"Nooo never!! I'm a gentlemen! If anything she watches me" He responded by shaking his head amused.

"You're not that cute Andrews" I said rolling my eyes and sticking my tongue out at him.

I pulled the curtain away from the open window and I could see straight into Bettys room. I put my hand on the ledge of the window feeling the breeze. It was such a nice night. Her room was pretty and pink just like she was. Her light was on but i didn't see her from my view. I was hoping to catch her and wave but it didn't look like she was in there. Just as I was about to walk away from the window I saw something move in her room. My heart stopped in my chest when Betty stumbled into my view. She was there with Jughead. Their arms were wrapped around each other and they were kissing roughly. Betty pulled her jacket off and I gasped.

"No no no no" I said as I continued to watch. I couldn't pull my eyes away from them even though my stomach churned at the sight of it.

"What is it??" Archie said concerned. He walked over and put his hand on the window. It slammed shut on top of my fingers.

"OW FUCK ARCHIE" I screamed in pain.

Jughead and Betty heard my outburst and stopped their make out sesh. They were looking out the window and once Jughead saw me his eyes went wide. He pulled Betty off of him aggressively. I saw him mouth the words "Get off of me" but i didn't hear him from Archie's room.

"Shit" I sighed. My hand was throbbing in pain and i turned away from the window holding.

"Oh no I'm so sorry Soph let's go get ice for it in the kitchen" Archie said concerned as he led me towards the kitchen downstairs.

My hand turned purple and was swelling but I didn't think anything was broken.  Archie grabbed an ace bandage from the bathroom and wrapped it up with the ice inside.

"Thanks Arch" I said leaning against the counter.

"I'm really sorry Soph" He said looking sad.

"It's alright it was an accident" I laughed. "So are Betty and Jug like together together now?? Cause it looked like they were about to do it in her bedroom" I questioned.

"Well Betty told me she really likes him like a lot but when I asked Jug if they were dating he told me no and that he's not even sure if he wants them too" Archie said shrugging "I'm confused"

"Yeah me too cause she's gonna get hurt it seems like" I sighed. "I think i'm just gonna head home and go to sleep. Please don't think i'm mad or anything though, just tired" I kissed  his cheek and he simply said "Okay"

I left Archie and started walking home.  I looked at Betty's house and saw Jughead climbing down from her window. I stopped where i was.

"Man leaving so soon?? It looked like you were reaching at least second base" I said sarcastically.

"If you're waiting out here to be annoying I don't want to deal with it" He sounded tired. He continued walking until he was standing in front of me.

"All you do is annoy me so this is completely fair" I said crossing my arms.

"Why were you in Archie's bedroom?" He asked quietly.

"Why was your tongue down Betty's throat when you apparently don't want to date her" I said countering his question.

"He told you that?? My god can i trust him at all? Not that it's your concern but I do have feelings for Betty it's just there are other things I also have to take in account for her sake" He said leaning against the light post.

"Like what?" I asked, becoming curious.

"It doesn't matter-"

"Okay so you can ask me a ton of questions and get in my personal business but I can't ask you anything. Awesome! Glad to know" I said annoyed and ready to walk away.

He got loud. "I have feeling for Betty okay!? But I can't date her due to the fact that I have much stronger feelings for someone else. That's not right. And I can't get rid of them. And I can't change it so I'm not gonna commit myself to her when my heart wants someone else" He was on the verging of yelling and was now out of breath. While he had been talking he had gotten closer to me and was now only about a foot away from my face.

"Is it Toni? Is that why you were so mad about me talking to her?" I questioned. At this point I was intimidated by him.

"No? What? God you're so clueless" He seemed angry.

"I'm so damn clueless because you act super strange all the time when you talk to me?? How am I supposed to know anything when one minute you hate me and scream at me and then another minute you act like I'm a hurt dog that you feel bad for? You never tell me anything and last time i check we weren't friends" I rambled and was now breathing heavy.

"You're right" He looked down at his shoes.

"Well you better learn to deal with me because i'm joining the serpents whether you like it or not" I said gaining my confidence again.

"What?! Are you insane?!!! You can't Sophia. I won't let you.  I'll make my dad reject you from it.  Do you know how dangerous it is to be a Serpent." He started yelling again.

"I do but I don't care. Goodnight Jughead" I started to walk towards my house and he grabbed my arm.

"Please. Sophia. Don't do this" He seemed genuinely upset and I considered doing what he asked at first. I soon realized I didn't need him to control my life. I pulled my arm out of his hand and continued walking to my house.

The lights were on in my house when I returned and Stanley's car was in the driveway. I opened the door and yelled Hey to him. I headed to my room and changed into pajamas.

Tomorrow was Friday and my plan was to go home with Toni and talk with FP about joining the Serpents. She told me it wouldn't be easy but I didn't care. Perhaps I was hoping it would make me feel closer to my dad and my uncle. Maybe deep down I was just trying to distract myself. All I knew for sure is that when I want something I won't stop until I get it.


Hope you all had a good 4th!! 🎆 But if you live in a different country hope you had a good day in general :))

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