52- Lance

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Stay tuned till the end for my review on season 8 that will try to be spoiler free!

Also, I apologize to you all for almost two months of inactivity, however, life really screwed me over if you guys aren't up to date on what has been happening. I got a kidney infection a few days prior to the end of my hiatus which pushed it back a few more days since I had to really focus on managing my diet and taking the proper medicine/supplements I needed to take in order to get better. When I got better (I still have minor discomfort) I started writing this chapter but then something bad happened :(

I live on a farm and therefore I have a lot of farm cats around my house obviously. I love my cats, they are my children. I go outside and feed + water them every day on a schedule, I just love them a lot. One of them, a cat that I actually got the opportunity to watch grow from a new little kitten into a grumpy adult, broke her leg. her leg got caught in farm equipment and in order to escape she must have broken it beyond repair unfortunately. We brought her to the vet four days later when we finally caught her and it turned out she severed her nerve in her foot, an infection had taken over it, and she had licked the wound to the bone. Seeing that this cat is like my child, I couldn't put her down so I opted to get her leg amputated with the money I had been saving up over the year I've been working and so I had to work a little harder to get more cash and to also make a safe home environment for my new pet. I would post a photo but Wattpad wont let me! so, that is where I have been! I apologize again.


Sweat dripped down into the boy's brow as he breathed heavily, his heart pounding up against his ribcage as his stomach twisted and gurgled in protest. His mouth was open as a trail of saliva dripped from his lip and down into the water he kneeled above. Tears pricked his eyes making them burn as he coughed trying to force himself to not do the one thing his body was so used to doing.

Lance didn't want to purge anymore.

His right hand closed around the soft fabric of his shirt above his stomach. "Come on," He whispered hoarsely as he spat his saliva out into the toilet. "Just stay down!" He grumbled as he pushed his closed fist up against his skinny body.

He begged and begged his stomach to listen to his wishes but it was all for naught for he could not hold it down anymore. He flushed the toilet in defeat and pulled his knees to his chin and gave a deep sigh. Was this all he was good for? He had been doing so well at keeping it down but for reason he just couldn't control his old habit today. Old habits die hard, huh?

A soft knock at the door sounded and a relaxing voice sounded from the other side, "Eh we all have days where we fail, but that's part of the healing process mi sol," Vincent spoke softly. "I'm bringing Christian and Heidi out to the mall for the stupid clothes shopping mom wanted me to do; do you want to get your prom outfit while I'm out?"

Lance lifted his head and wiped the tears on his face away with the red sweater's sleeve he wore, "Yeah, let me just brush my teeth..." He sniffled as he forced himself to stand up.

His legs were a bit wobbly at first as he stood up causing him to grab onto the sink for support. He managed to stand up normally. He didn't dare look at the mirror as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. Keith and Vincent's friend had left around the same time at three. The entire time he had spent with his boyfriend was like some sort of eternal torture as he tried to keep himself from running to the bathroom as they happily ate the cake they had made together. He loved seeing how happy Keith had gotten as the boy joyfully stuffed his face with the cake he worked so hard on. The smile Keith had as he shoved each forkful in his mouth was that of a child seated in front of a buffet for their very first time; pure euphoria.

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