The Banana Boy ( Pt 2)

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Sakura's POV
We all arrived at Yugo's house. Mizuki immediately got into a conversation with Yugo while Tsuyo tries to make her own duel runner.

I had absolutely nothing to do

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I had absolutely nothing to do. The only thing I could do is daydream and look out the window waiting for entertainment.

 The only thing I could do is daydream and look out the window waiting for entertainment

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-time skip-

I was drawing when suddenly I heard something being tossed. I looked at the window and saw a hurricane of cards coming towards us.

I ran to Tsuyo, but then I remembered she do not want to be disturbed while she is making her duel runner.

So without wasting time trying to get her attention, I went to Mizuki and Yugo. They seem to understand and told Tsuyo about it.

Tsuyo said she had finished her duel runner and want to take it for a test drive. I'm pretty sure right now is the perfect time for it.

Mizuki hopped into Yugo's duel runner while I hopped into Tsuyo's

And off we go....

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