Help from Katryna.

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~Third person's POV~

Harry watched as Louis got in his car and drove away before he broke down on their bed. He pulled Louis' pillow closer to him, hugging it against his chest. It smelt like him, the pillow. His cologne pressed deep into it but the boy knew it wouldn't last long until it no longer smelt like the older boy and Harry wouldn't have something of his boyfriend when he goes to sleep at night.

Harry didn't know what to do. He was so, so angry in Eleanor for making something so ridiculous up. Of course the young boy would never cheat on Louis. He loved him far too much and the fact that they have a son on the way proves that. Harry wasn't just annoyed with Eleanor though, he was also upset with Louis too. The two had been together for eight months and trusted each other with their lives. Well at least that's what Harry thought anyway. Doesn't seem like that for Louis, to Harry. Harry couldn't believe Louis would believe this bloody stupid lie against his own boyfriend and father of his baby.

Harry knew he had to find a way to prove to Louis that he never cheated on Louis and that he really did love him like he told him everyday. He knew Louis told him to leave him alone but their baby could be born in just over a month and Harry would miss it. He didn't want that. He wanted to be their for Louis though the pain he'd have to go through.

Harry got off the bed, leaving the pillow on Harry's side of the bed - to cuddle up to tonight - before walking into the living room to get his phone off the coffee table. The curly boy scrolled through his phone book and calling the number that would be the most help, he thought.

"Hey Harry, haven't spoken to you in awhile! How are you buddy?"

"Katryna, can you come round please? It's urgent." Harry rushed down the phone, trying to keep the tears from falling again and keeping his voice straight.

"What's wrong Harry? Is it Louis? Has something happened to him and the baby?" Katryna panicked down the phone.

"The baby is fine, but it's about Louis yeah. He's not hurt...physically but I really need your help. I'll explain when you get here, okay."

"Okay, yeah sure. I'll be round in ten minutes." Katryna said before hanging up.

As Katryna said, she arrived ten minutes later, rushing in through the door to find Harry curled up on the sofa gripping onto a cushion, staring at the blank telly on the wall. Katryna slowly sat next to Harry brushing her fingers though his curls. "What's happened Harry?" She whispered, not wanting to upset the lad any more than he already was.

"Louis left me, Katie. He thinks I've cheated on him. I haven't, I promise I haven't." He rushed, making himself wound up to cry again.

"Slow down babe, slow down. Now deep breaths for me and calm down." Katryna said, breathing deeply to get Harry to copy.

After about ten minutes Harrry had calmed down and had stopped crying. The only evidence of him cry to begin with was his puffy eyes and the odd hiccup leaving Harry's lips.

"Right, now slowly tell me what's happened." Katryna said carmly. So Harry told her. Everything. Eleanor coming over, showing Louis the picture (which Harry told her was either photo shopped or not even him) the fact that Louis and Harry were going to Doncaster that day to stay wih Louis' parents for the week so Louis ended up going on his own and that Louis had told Harry not to come and see him, but wait for Louis to come home in his own time - that is, if Louis actually comes home.

"What do I do, Katie? I need to find a way to prove to him that it's complete and utter crap, that I would never ever cheat on him and that I love him. I love him so, so much." Harry pleaded, asking Katryna for help.

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