Baby names, god parents and house hunting.

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Louis about 3/4 months pregnant in this chapter.


"Darcy." Louis suddenly piped up breaking the comfortable silence we shared with us cuddled up on my bed for about an hour. "Pardon?" I sat up and looked at him, confused probably etched onto my face. "Darcy." He stated again. "If our baby is a girl I want her to be called Darcy." I couldn't stop the smile appear on my face then. "I've always wanted to call my little girl Darcy." I giggled. I really do love that name. "I know. You're mum told me. I love the name too." Louis leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose before snuggling back into my chest again. "Noah-James for a boy?" I asked, hopefully. "That's cute. I like it." Louis nodded.

It was a Saturday today so we asked everyone to come over for a group day. Video games, films, coke and takeaway food. We decided that we would tell everyone who the god parents would be. And to be fair, I think we made a pretty good decision.

It was eleven o'clock so we decided it would be best to get out of bed and get ready. Louis put on his usual blue and white striped top - which was tight fitted so it showed of his bump, which had started to come through about a month ago - and also throwing on a pair of my joggers. I slipped on my purple Jack Wills jumper and also some joggers. I also put on some socks whilst Louis padded around sockless so you could hear soft pitter patters of his tiny feet on the wooden flooring. We both left our hair in a bed head kind of state and brushed our teeth in my bathroom.

The door bell rang right on time - just as we were putting our tooth brushes away. Louis went down stairs first, me trailing along behind.

Once everyone was inside and sitting down on the sofa we explained who the god parents would be. "Right so, me and Lou want...Zayn and Katryna to be godparents." I said, waiting for the penny to drop and for Zayn to jump up and down like a girl. One..Two...Thr- "Ah wow thanks guys. Yay!" They shrieked, jumping off the sofa and pulling us both into a hug. Liam and Niall both sat on the sofa smiling, clearly happy for their best friends, but it was clear they were both wishing it was them. "Li, Ni, if the baby is a boy we are calling him Noah-James, after you two." Louis said, obviously seeing their disappointed looks too. Que ear spitting smile. "Aw, that's adorable, thanks guys." Liam and Niall said in unison. Cute.

After a few hours of video games of COD and Fifa - and the girls occasionally wanting to play Little Big Planet - we decided to order a Chinese.

Once it had arrived we all sat on the floor in the front room just helping ourselves to whatever food we wanted.

After everyone went home at about eight o'clock myself and Louis sat down together on the sofa looking for flats on the Internet. "There is this one?" Louis pointed to a picture of a flat not to far away from here and the price was in our range. I clicked on the picture so I could read the description and check out the other pictures.

23A Lawn Road. Deposit: £400. Well presented spacious flat within walking distance of the town centre. The property offers three bedrooms, gas central heating, fitted kitchen, front and rear gardens.

The pictures were beautiful. The first was a picture of outside the apartment. It was three stories, three sets of windows on each floor. There was a little gated off garden in the corner, with grass all neatly cut and fresh. There was a small little car park, with a space each for each apartment's car. The building was a pale yellow-cream colour with freshly white painted windows. There was a small bush going around one side of the apartment and the garden going around the other.

The second picture was the kitchen. The worktop had a crystaly look to it and the cupboards were a creamy colour, with a hidden built in fridge. It had wooden flooring and a small window in between the two sets of worktops. On one side of the kitchen was the marble white sink and directly opposite it was the oven with the heat pad placed above it. Next to the sink were two stools and a bar where you can eat your meals at.

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