Chapter 5

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Stiles pov
I was working at the bakery today . It was Christmas Eve.  So we were really busy and getting orders out people had ordered weeks ago.   Thank god my staff is awesome because we been working over time these past couple days. 
Finally 4 came and it was closing time. I was cleaning off the tables and putting the chairs up. Jessie was sweeping after me.  The Rest were attempting to clean the kitchen up. 
By 4:30 everyone was gone expect me and Jessie.   Elizabeth worked today so I knew she wasn't coming to pick him up she took his car to work. 
" there he is uh are you coming over later for dinner ? "
She hadn't told me about any dinner.
" uh I can if you want me too.  What time ?"
" 7 E doesn't get off work till 6. "
I nodded and went out with him locking the doors.
" hey stiles ! " I heard I looked it was Henry with his window rolled down waving.
I smiled and waved back. 
  " you know he really likes you.  Uh that's our brother jack uh ... don't listen to him okay.  He's just really protective over us.  He's not that big of a dick if he actually trusts you. " with that Jessie ran across the street to the car and got in the front seat. 
  I went home and showered and changed
  I texted Jessie was I supposed to be dressing up for this or would my flannel shirt be fine.
  He replied so flannel shirt it would be.
My red and black checker one with white shirt and black pants and my converse.

I went over to Derek's knowing almost everyone would be there by now.
I pulled up and parked looked like only ones not here was Liam and Hayden.
  I walked in and everyone looked at me.  Some looked little surprised. 
" hey stiles " is all Scott said
" so uh I have to tell everyone something. "
Why was this so hard.  I knew what I wanted to say but I also knew it could come out wrong.
" well ?" Peter said walking down the stairs.
I gave him a look
" you already know don't rush me " he put his hands up and went into the kitchen.
  " Peter knows and we don't ? What is it —-holy shit are you and Peter together " Ethan says.     I can hear peter start laughing in the kitchen. I make a disgusted face.
" fuck no  but uh I am bringing someone over tomorrow for Christmas dinner and uh I'd like it if she didn't know about the supernatural."
   Everyone nodded
" like ever "
Scott looked pissed    But Derek spoke first.
" that's understandable. But what if it randomly happens what then. "
  I shrugged " I - I just can't lose her. She's ..." I stopped I wanted to say she's the one but that seemed to much to say. 
" she's what ?" Lydia asked with a smile
" she's just amazing and uh you'll just find out tomorrow night okay ?"
I looked at my watch which wasn't on my wrist shit it's at the bakery.
" anyway uh I have to stop at the bakery to get my watch then go over with her and eat dinner with her and her uh family. "
Scott looked really pissed now.  But it was different her family might have its secrets. But ours was very serious and dangerous.  
  " I'm sorry " I said staring at him " you can't get mad. You've always chose the girl over me highschool to now. " with that I walked out. 
   I went to the bakery and got my watch and took some cookies with me we had left. 
  I drive over to her house.  I started crying fuck it was true he had always picked them over me. I tried to tell myself it wasn't but yeah it was.
   I sat in my Jeep trying to calm myself down before going in.  I don't know how long I was like that till there was a small knock on my passenger window and the door opened.   It was Henry he crawled up and in shutting the door.
  He didn't look at me just out the windshield.
" uncle jack says you bitched out and mommy is arguing with him.  Papa is trying to calm them. But uh you are sniffling are you sick ? If not why are you crying ? Did someone hurtyou ?  Did someone hurt your feelings ? I cry when I hurt myself or there is just to much yelling ".    He says rocking in the seat. 
Which I've learned he does when he talks.
  " uh yeah I guess so my friend hurt me. But it's okay.  ".   He shook his head " no papa says no friends should hurt you. My friend hit me cause i wouldn't play with him. "
   I smile " well he didn't hit me just some difficult times is all "
"Hmm" he nodded his head and opened the door.  " stiles ?"
" yea H?"   He looked over but not eye contact " Henry not H but can you help me out. We are going in now I'm hungry. ".    I laughed " yeah I will ". 
I went around and put my hand out he took it and jumped down.  I handed him the cookies and shut the door , we walked in.
  " mommy look more cookies ! " he yells running to the kitchen.  Elizabeth wasn't in site and neither was jay or jack. I hadn't met jack yet but I assume he's pretty aggressive .  I only saw Jessie and he was staring down the hallway.  
  " uh hey "
He snapped out of it. " hey uh dinner is in here " he walked me to the dinning room. Jay was putting food down.
He looked up and smiled " hey stiles how was the bakery today. Heard it was busy "
  " uh yeah probably made 3,000 dollars today."   " really you think ?" Jessie says surprised.  " yeah last year on Christmas Eve I made about 2,450. I work two days straight with no sleep.  I had the cake room packed. It was packed again this year and we sold out of pretty much everything expect those cookies he brought in - which I'm sure he's probably eating right now after I think about it " all three of us walked in the kitchen. He was at the table and I had 24 count.  I counted only 20 were on the plate. Two were in is hands. 
" Henry how about we put those two on your plate and you can eat them after you eat real food hmm ?" Jay says getting a little plate out of a cabinet.   He frowned but didn't argue. 
" promise I get them ?"
" I promise , okay you three boys go sit and get ready whatever drinks you want. I'll go check on them okay ?"    Henry went in the fridge and handed me milk. Then he got sprite out and cranberry juice and started walking to the dining room.  I gave Jessie a look
" oh dad let's Henry pick the drinks every year, but you can have a beer if you want dad usually has one. Jack and Elizabeth have really gotten into it this time they got into a physical fight. "
   He walked into the dinner room I followed
  " why ?"   He sighed " dude They been like this for three years.   he's mad cause he swears Elizabeth knows who killed our mom and it wasn't just some hit and run.  "
  My eyes widen in surprise she did tell me she had died but nothing like that.  " yeah but you know someone can't hang on to stuff like that it'll kill you. " he shrugs and has a seat.
" I agree " he smiled and helped Henry pour his drink.
Elizabeth sat by me and cross from us was jack and Jessie at end was jay and Henry.
Jessie was right I think this was killing jack he looked so mad.
" hey I'm stiles nice to meet you " I put my hand out and he doesn't take it. I awkwardly retract it.
I hear Elizabeth sigh Jay just gives jack a look.
" okay who wants to say grace ?" Jay asks
" I will " Jessie says
We bowed our heads
" thank you lord for this food and us being able to be together as a family. Family is very important as we all know. But so is forgiveness and understanding. I wish you could let my sibling let go of his rage. You've helped my sister and now it's his turn. I want to let you know how thankful i am for you and let us all be alive , healthy and such a loving family this Christmas. Thank you and happy birthday"
I looked at jack and he was just staring a Jessie.
I looked at Jay and he looked tired and unsure how to handle jack.
" alright thank you Jessie and stiles we go around and say what we are thankful for this Christmas. I am thankful for my job here I like it a lot and for these kids around this table including our new one ". He looked to jack
Jacks eyes met my gaze. " uh I'm thankful for being able to come see my family for thanksgiving and Christmas both this year. "
He looked at Jessie " it's been a great year I graduated highschool and I'm taking a year off and I have a great job and a great boss " I chuckled lightly at his last comment.
We looked at Henry. Elizabeth took his hand
" I'm happy Mommy's happy and uncles are happy but uncle jack isn't happy with mommy. Papa is happy and I want stiles as my daddy "
I know my face was pink and my eyes were probably bulging out of my head.
Elizabeth coughed a little and patted his hand taking a deep breathe. Sitting up in her chair
Her face was red " uh well it's an okay year. I have 1 semester of school left and uh I have boyfriend who's amazing as Henry has already pointed out and I'm just happy everyone's here. "
Now all eyes on me. " well... it's been the roughest year  I've had since highschool.
My best friend got married this month and it just kind of sunk in about April that I hadn't really had anyone important in my life. My dad just told me not to worry she'd come along and I'd just know. Well that night when you turned and looked at me. I knew I couldn't just let you disappear. I asked my coworkers about any suicidal people they had. I obviously didn't ask at the right work. "
She took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze
We started dipping our plates.
" stiles I hear you're a cop "
" yes I am and I hear you are pretty good business man. "
" yes, so you own a business and are a cop. Hmm why date my sister then ?"
I was confused " what's my jobs have to do with me dating anyone "
" she didn't go to college she's a bartender. She just started her school couple years ago online. "
" your point ? I don't care if she wanted to be a bartender the rest of her life and I'd still care about her and want her in my life. "
He was getting pissed by the second and I wasn't sure why.
" you know what Henry you want to go eat in the living room with papa ?" Henry got up and carried his plate out and jay grabbed his drink.
" settle this shit jack I'm done with your attitude " jay says and walks out.
" why ? She's a murder and she won't tell the cops shit so now she's fucking one so that she can get off trail ! She killed my mother and her best friends mother ! " he says loudly not yelling but close.
Jessie just keeps eating along with Elizabeth.
" what is wrong with you ? Your mother died and you're this hurt ? That you have to blame your sister ? I've lost my mom I was 11 and it's one of the worst pains I've ever felt. I watched her wither away. It was horrible. I was there the Day she died. I was in the room when she coded. I stood outside the door crying.
Don't give me some bullshit excuse. What's your real fucking problem with her ? " I say to him the same tone he gave me.
I could feel my whole body on edge. He wasn't going to insult my girlfriend like that fuck no.

" she just let that low life do whatever he wanted to her. She use to be the best of the best at kick boxing and she just let him beat the shit right out of her ! What the fuck Elizabeth and then the reason you leave him is cause he hit Henry and cheated on you. God knows he fucking cheated before then. Fuck if you just aborted him and left after that you'd be fine !"
Elizabeth stood up slamming her hands on the table.
" don't you dare bring that abortion shit up again. I kept MY BABY because he was mine and I'd make sure he'd never come out like his dad. "
She had tears in her eyes.
" he was a rape baby ! No one would have been upset if you had let go and now you have a daily reminder "
Jessie looked at me quickly with his eyes wide and then to Elizabeth.
" stiles I think you should go " is what I heard and I looked behind me Jay was standing in the door way. Elizabeth ran out of the room.

I went passed jay and after Elizabeth  I put my hand against door right before she slammed it shut. 
" stiles just go please "
" no I'm not leaving you like this please just let me in "
She started crying harder and let go of the door.
" why'd he say that! I didn't want you to know. I mean we don't know if he's a rape baby or not. I didn't get a dna test " I held her in my arms.
" baby it's okay.  I don't care it's your choice and I think you made the right one. I think the only reason you stepped off the ledge that day is because of Henry.  You should see your face when you talk about him.  I don't care if you want to be a bartender. I just want you to be happy.  I want us happy together. "
  She just looked up at me " please just go okay I'll be fine "
" can I at least give Henry his Christmas present ".   She nodded I let her shut the door.

I went out and got his presents
He was eating while watching frosty
" hey Henry can we pause the eating for a moment "
He looked over at Jessie who was eating by him.    " you know my rules as long as you eat till your full I'm fine if you take breaks "
  He pushed his plate to the side
" both of them for me ? "
" yep and I'll give your moms that we got her tomorrow?"
He nodded and opened them
One was a big book with all the wolves and myths about them and pretty much half the shit I thought was fake but is real as I've learned in the past years. Elizabeth said he didn't have it yet. 
Then the other was a wolf coloring book.
" do you like them ?"
He looked over at me and his eyes met mine.
" you're the best stiles " he hugged me.
By Jessie's face this was a really big deal. I remember jay talking about his eye contact thing and I knew it was a big deal.
I hugged him back

Is this what dad feels or felt when he hugged me when I was younger ?

My saving grace Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora