Chapter 13

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In Ohio
Elizabeth POV
Taylor knocked on the bathroom door
I jump at the sudden noise knocking me out of my thoughts.
" yes?"
" just checking on you ... they are waiting for us. Are you okay ?"
I look back in the mirror I had finished my make up and I looked fine. But on the inside I was losing my fucking shit.
" yep just doing the finishing touches " I flip my hair and unlock the door
I was fine till I passed the old house. I was fine till I passed the cemetery. 
I flip my hair again and smooth my dress out and open the door.
She looked worried " are you okay ?" I nod and we walk down to the main lobby of the hotel.
Stiles and Scott are talking
Stiles does a double take and smiles
" you look amazing ... not that you don't always you just look uh " he stopped when I took his hand in mine.
" thank you you look amazing too ... not that you don't always look uh amazing in your uniforms "
He blushes " thank you "

When we got to our old highschool. Everything was flooding back to me and the good and the bad.

" this school is nice ... did they just re do it ?" Scott says looking around
" yeah about uh year and half ago " Taylor says as we walk down the hall to the sports hall of fames.
When we got to the alternative sports which was obviously female boxing cause not many teenage girls wanted to do that. I was still number 1 ... not like there were only three girls that ever did it ... I was the first.
Stiles looked at my name on the shiny golden plate and then he stopped looking to me. " damn Jack was fast ! " Scott says by Taylor where the track and cross country slots were at.
" yeah he went to state every year in high school "

As we walk down another hall to the gymnasium where we had to meet everyone.

I stop right before the double doors to go inside. My heart was racing my hands started sweating.
Taylor and stiles each take a hand and squeeze it.
I can't breathe
I could feel and hear his body and voice. The way he'd threaten to put my hands in those double doors and break them. The way he'd throw me down during a game.   The way he'd push me into empty rooms to try and get something I wasn't going to do at school.
The way they all looked at me when the school found out I was pregnant.
  I start crying " I can't do this I'm sorry " I rip my hands away and run the other way. 
I couldn't go back
I sit on the floor " breathe in and out. In and out. " stiles says as gets on the floor with me.
" nothing and I mean absolutely nothing bad is happening to you this weekend. I promise you. I promised Henry and your dad. Elizabeth please ... just get up one more time okay ? If something you don't like happens. We can pack up and go home okay ?"
He tries to get to my tears before it ruins my make up.

After about 10 minutes he helps me up and I straighten my dress and he checks my butt for dust.

" I'm okay " I say.  He nods " I'm okay I can do this. He's not here.  Neither of them are here... and we have a werewolf too.  Right? Scott could stop something bad from happening " he nods again " I like to think I could also help or do that too but yes i get what you mean. "

I took his hand " I'm ready "
We went back around the corner
Taylor smiles " I think we need to go fix your make up. Uh boys go in there and just tell them you're with us and get our name tags too please. "
  I let stiles' hand go  I take Taylor's and we walk over to the bathroom.
I sit up on the counter as she wipes under my eyes and cheeks. Then re does what she did earlier.
  " I thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad coming back with them gone .... I was wrong " Taylor says putting everything back in her purse.
" do you think the dented door from Lucas is still in use ?" I say looking around the bathroom. They've painted it and had new stales in here.
  She shrugs " I didn't mean to make you panic like that. I thought this would be a great way to show we aren't  scared anymore. They don't have a power over us anymore. "
I put my hand out she takes it
" let's go find our men " she smiles

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