Chapter 13

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Two months later
Stiles POV
Mailia and Derek were in New York with jack. He hasn't gotten the bite yet but he wanted it. 

I was at work and Elizabeth was trying to get Henry to agree to come with her to Ohio. But he wasn't having it so she dropped him of with me at the bakery.   He was doing homework at one of the tables. 
" when are you going to marry that girl ?"
I smiled " Cheryl we haven't even been together for a year yet "
" so David and I were dating for 6 months when he proposed to me. We been married for 33 years now. She's a sweet caring girl and she trust you enough to watch her son. That's practically married all ready and he calls you dad. " she says while we watch Henry. He gets up and walks to the bathroom.
I shrug " maybe I'll wait till it's been a year which is November and it's September now so it gives me time to get a ring and how to do it. "

" maybe you and him could leave now and go look at some shops and pick one out ? she's going to the grocery and doctor right ? So you have plenty of time "
I go over to the table and start packing his stuff up. When he came back out he looked at me like I was crazy. " dad it's not time to go yet. Momma hasn't came to get me "
" I know but we are going to go get a gift for mom okay ?" I say giving him his bag.
He takes it " mom needs a good gift she was crying this morning in the shower. Bye Cheryl ! " he says heading to the door. Why was she crying ?

By the time we got to third ring store we had two we liked. But nothing that made Henry impressed and nothing my wallet thought was worth the money.
   I was talking to one of the workers and Henry was playing on the iPad where you can set your own ring up.
" daddy ! " I look over at him quickly
He was holding the iPad up showing me a ring he designed. " wow  that's beautiful we actually have something almost like it but the center is oval instead of a heart " the worker says walking down couple counters.   Henry and I follow her I pick him up so he can see it. as she pulls it out for us to see.

 Henry smiles " that's the one !" The worker smiles from him to me " so mr

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Henry smiles " that's the one !"
The worker smiles from him to me " so mr.stilinski what do you think ?"
" i need it in a 8?"
" you said that earlier and with your luck it is. But always remember you can bring it back and resize it if needed. That will be 2,349.99. Unless you want a payment plan "
" that's a lot of money " Henry says looking at it as she boxes it.
" yeah it is. Can I pay half now and half  Friday ?"
  She nodded ringing me up and stops " oh well you spent enough so you get free set of diamond stud ear rings ". She says as she puts them in the little bag too.   " gold?" Henry asks quickly
" yes sir they are good 14k is that okay ?" She asks looking from him to me. I look back at Henry " mom has to have gold for her ears ?"
  He nods taking the bag off the counter.
" yes that's fine then. " I swipe my card and take my receipt.  We say our goodbyes and she tells me good luck.
" dad can we get a drink ?"
I start looking around "yeah what do you want "
" could we get milk shakes " he smiles widely as we get closer to a McDonald's that's down the street from the ring store.
" how about we wait till we get back home and go to the diner next to the bakery so we can get curly fries too ?"
He didn't reply but when I looked over he was looking out the window. So I guess he was okay with that plan.

In the middle of our milkshakes and curly fries Elizabeth texts me
' I'm going to be late coming to get Henry could you take him to the house for me ? Taylor needs help with something for Ohio. '
' yeah sure we are getting a snack '

" are you going to ask her in Ohio ?" Henry asks taking a drink of his milk shake
I think for a bit and shrug " I don't think she'd like that "
He smiles " do it at Disneyworld !"
I smile " is that a hint that you want to go ?"
He nods " well that cost a lot of money for a proposal bud maybe for the honeymoon or a big vacation ?"
" that works too, hmm what if you do it at a zoo that has wolves ! Daddy that would be so so cool !!"
He was right that would be pretty cool.
" I'll look into that " 
After we got done I stopped by the station to put the ring in my desk.  Henry ran to dads office while I went to my desk and unlock it.
I pop the box open and look at the ring. Hopefully she'd say yes. I put it under some papers and lock it back.
" daddy ! He said I could call him papaw ! " runs over to me saying.
I smile " oh that's awesome! "

Elizabeth POV

I sighed " Taylor are YOU sure this looks okay on me "
She grumbles and opens the door " ive it said  and said it again. You look fine as fuck but obviously you don't believe it so let's get a pole " I hear the click before I can stop her.
" and it's in the girls group message see if it's 'okay'. Now let's buy this dress and mine and get to the baby appointment. "
I sighed and we went to the check out.
And off to obgyn we went. To see if I was capable to do something with my eggs or was it to late.
Artificial knocked up is what Taylor kept calling it. Unfortunately I was terrified as hell.

After the appointment
Taylor was driving it was quiet
" so it was helpful right ? Stiles and you can have a baby !"
I sigh " Taylor ! Did you hear how much it'll cost ?! We don't have that type of money ... he's going to leave me. He wants his own kids. I can't give him that ! Also it's via someone else's body "
I lay my head against the window
" babes we will get you that money to do it okay ? Don't worry. Plus stiles seems happy with Henry "
  I smile " you think so ?"
" yeah they are like a package deal "
That made me happy the boys were getting along good even when I wasn't around.

We pulled up to the bakery and got out. 
Walking in my eyes went straight to my boys both into their work.  Stiles must have been doing the schedule or the specials of the day / week for next month. Henry was reading a book on his summer reading list still ... more like a list he made so he'd be 'extra smart next year' in his words.

I make it all the way over before either one even looks up to notice me.
" are you okay ?" Henry asks laying his book down
"I'm fine are you okay?"
He nods then picks his book back up.

I don't sit I wait for stiles to say something. He doesn't actually he won't even look at me.
" uh hey will you come to the kitchen with me ?"
" yeah sure " He gets up

I make him sit down on one of the stools in the kitchen.
" so I went to the doctor today " I say and I can feel the knot in my throat and my tears welling up. I close my eyes to calm myself down.
" are um are you dying ?" I open them quickly " what ?!" He had tears in his eyes " are you dying ? Are you leaving me some day because you'll be so sick ?" I shake my head no " no I'm fine in that way. Just. ... the baby thing. "
He stood up quickly with a smile on his face " so we can have one ?" I nod.
He hugs me tightly " Henry is going to be a big brother some day "
I sigh " stiles we can't afford it "
He lets go looking at me " baby we checked everything we can afford it have one " he smiles and cups my face " don't worry so much we are going to be just fine" he kisses my forehead.
" no I mean for us Ivf just isn't going to work. It would have to be a surrogate. "
He lets go of me and rubs the back of his neck. " that's the one that's like hundred grand more right ? Cause you have to pay the person and ivf like to put it in them "
" yes pretty much " he sits down and rubs his hands together.
" could we take a loan out for that ? I mean is that even a thing?"
I knew it I start crying " stiles I'm so sorry. I'm sorry ... I'm sorry my body isn't working right. Im just - please don't leave me. Please I can't handle that !" I cry so hard at the end I can't breathe
I feel him hug me " we don't need a baby. We could get a dog or some fish. Or maybe even adopt. But what I know for sure is I'm never leaving you. I love you and Henry to much for that. "

He kisses my cheek and then my lips before I can even react. The ding that someone walked into the bakery goes off.  " duty calls " he mumbles letting go and heading to front of the store.

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