Villain Kirishima 1

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You were just heading back to the agency, since they had called you back for an emergency of some kind. You saw that the agency was in total chaos, but you had no idea why. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, beside people running around. The moment you stepped in, everyone stopped. They were all looking at you.

"What is going on?", you asked.

"There-There is a package with your name on it.", one of your co-workers said.

"There was some red liquid seeping throught the package so we opened it and...", another one continued."Just look."

You walked to the table where the box was and took a look inside. The box contained a severed human head, and not just any head. It was Kirishima's. Tve head moved a bit, so it was facing you.

"It's your fault." the head said

You fell down to the floor and started screaming and sobbing. Even when you woke up you were screaming and panicking. Kirishima sat up and wrapped his arms around you, to try and calm you down.

"Hey, hey calm down sweetheart. It was just a dream. I'm here with you, you're okay."

"But, but you were dead, and there was blood, and your head was.", you sobbed.

"Just a dream (Name), it's just a dream."

You sobbed to his chest. These nightmares had been driving you crazy for the last few weeks. They were always about Kirishima dying in some horribly graphic way. Some nights when he wasn't there when you woke up from your nightmare, you actually thought he had died. It was horrible and since you weren't getting much sleep, your work as hero wasn't going too well either.

"Was it a nightmare again?", Kirishima asked, severing your chain of thought.

"Yeah, I don't understand why I'm seeing so many of them lately.", you sniffled.

"Do you think you can sleep?"

"I hope. I've got work tomorrow and I'd rather not be like a zombie again."

"I'm starting to get a bit worried about this.", he sighted.

"Me too, but we can think about it more tomorrow. I want to try and sleep now."

"So do I.", Kirishima yawned.

You laid down, and cuddled to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, and was asleep almost instantly. You weren't awake much longer either, and the nightmares left you alone for the rest of the night.

When you woke up in the morning Kirishima was gone. There was a note on the kitchen table, apologicing that he had left you alone. You smiled at his messy hand writing and boiled some water so you could make tea. Your shift would start in a half an hour, since you had the day shift. You ate breakfast and headed for work.

When you got to work there wasn't many people present. The morning shift was ending and the next one was starting so most of the people were at the locker rooms. You headed there too, to change to your hero costume. When you were ready, you went to ask your patrol area for the day and headed out.

The moment you turned the first corner the nausea hit you. You couldn't stand and your vision was fuzzy. You felt someone grab your arms and start draggin you towards a van, that was parked on the side of the street. You tried to fight back and yank yourself away from their grib, but the nausea made you feel very weak. They pulled you in and the car drove away. Someone tied you up, and the moment you were restrained the nausea just fanished.

"What do you thing you're doing?", you hissed.

"Our boss wants to see you, she wants to talk to you."

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