Stopping s/o's suicide attempt (Kirishima)

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You didn't know what the hell you were supposed to do anymore. Everything felt like it was falling apart and all the control you had ever had over anything, was slipping through your fingers. You couldn't deal with this, and you weren't sure you even wanted to anymore.

You had been pretty much just walking back and forth the whole day. You hadn't eaten anything, and you hadn't slept well for weeks. It was all getting to be way too much for you, so you decided you didn't want this anymore, this shit, this life.

You sent Kirishima a message with only three words: "I'm sorry, goodbye"

Kirishima was working late at his and Bakugou's agency, but this was the last night he would be doing so this week, since he had arranged himself some time off.

"I'm gonna go now, (Name) is waiting for me at home" Kirishima waved at Bakugou, who was still stuck behind a mountain of paperwork.

"Yeah, just fuck off and leave me here with this shit" Bakugou growled.

Kirishima felt bad for leaving him, but not bad enough to stay and help, he wanted to get back home to you.

"You'll get it done, you always do" Kirishima encouraged.

"Yeah, yeah, just go home" Bakugou groaned.

Kirishima smiled and basically bounced down the stairs of the agency. He decided to finally check his phone, since he had been kind of neglecting it the whole day, not on purpose of course, he had just been very busy.

He had a message from you, it just said: "I'm sorry, goodbye"

"Huh?" he said out loud.

Kirishima didn't understand, or maybe his brain just didn't accept the words on the screen, but before he knew it, he was running. Your shared apartment was a few kilometers away from the agency, and Kirishima didn't stop running before he was standing in front of the door. His hands were trembling so badly he couldn't get the keys in the lock, so he just opted for kicking down the door.

"(Name)! (Name)!" he shouted.

You had filled the tub with warm water and gotten out the sharpest razor blade you could find. You were just going to step into the tub when you heard someone bust down the front door. You could hear Kirishima yelling your name.

A tremendous amount of guilt washed over you, as you threw the razor into the tub like it was burning your hand. Your legs gave out from under you and you dropped to your knees on the floor.

Kirishima went to try the bathroom door, when he heard a thud inside.

"(Name)? Let me in" he said.

Kirishima tried to remain as calm as he could, but he was definitely having a hard time with that. He could hear you sobbing in the bathroom, but you unlocked the door anyway. You collapsed into his arms as he opened it and clung onto his hoodie like your life depended on it.

"It's okay, I'm here" Kirishima sniffled as he embraced you.

You and Kirishima sat in the doorway, him holding you in his arms. He was shaking, almost as much as you were and breathing raggedly from the shock and all the running he had just done.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Eiji..." you kept sobbing.

Kirishima just kept holding you close. How hadn't he seen this coming? Why hadn't he noticed? He knew you hadn't been doing well but he couldn't have imagined you would ever resort to anything so drastic, something so... final. He never wanted to let go of you again.

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