Reader's panic attack (Kirishima)

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"What is it? Did something happen?" Kirishima asked, with a worried expression, as he caught you mid fall.

You had come to open the door for him and your legs had just decided they didn't want to hold you up anymore. Kirishima picked you up and set you down on your bed and went to close the door. You didn't even have the will to stay sitting up at that moment and you just laid on your side, facing Kirishima, reaching your hand towards him.

"Eiji" you whispered and closed your eyes.

Kirishima caught on pretty quickly with what was going on, you were having a panic attack or something similar. He sat next to your bed, facing you and holding your hand. He caressed it gently with his thumb and occasionally kissed your palm. You were breathing raggedly and trembling.

After a while you opened your eyes again and put your hand on Kirishima's cheek. You looked exhausted and as usual Kirishima looked very worried.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spook you" you said and sat up, pulling him to sit next to you on the bed.

"It's okay" he said as you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed with everything, I'm happy you came"

"Of course I came, if you need me, I'll always be there" he smiled widely and put his arm around you.

"Hey Eiji?"


"I love you"

"I love you too" he said and somehow he smiled even wider.

Kirishima Eijirou & Kaminari DenkiWhere stories live. Discover now