Body image issues, poly feat Bakugou (Kirishima)

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A/N: Some comfort for a reader with body image issues, might have gotten a bit smut-ish at the end but nothing NSFW. It's poly btw

You were alone in the apartment you shared with your two boyfriends. You were sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in front of you, you hadn't even taken a spoonful. Eijirou and Katsuki had already left for work, but you had the day off so you were staying home, maybe running some errands, but you weren't sure yet.

It felt like the cereal was taunting you, the bowl was just sitting there, the cereal getting more soggy by the second. You convinced yourself you weren't even really hungry and poured the cereal away, instead taking a glass of water and a thick slice of some cucumber. You gulped down your glass of water and ate your cucumber slice, before going to change into warmer clothes to go for a walk.

You were just about to pull on your hoodie, but you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and stopped. Why did it have to be like this? Why did you have to look like... that? You just shook your head and pulled your hoodie on anyway, trying not to think about it.

You walked for a while, just aimlessly wandering around your neighborhood and stopping by the corner store to get yourself a cup of hot cocoa. It was below freezing outside and you were just sipping on your cocoa while trying not to slip on the icy sidewalk. Of course to your good fortune, you hit a patch of especially slippery ice and down you went. You spilled the half a cup of cocoa you had left all over yourself.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" you cussed as you got up and threw the empty cup into the nearest trachcan.

You marched home, careful not to slip again, but determined to take a shower and get rid of the stickiness as soon as possible.

You got home and threw the clothes that had gotten cocoa on them into the hamper. You threw your underwear there too and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt great after your walk in the cold and you could feel the stickiness disappearing as you scrubbed your face and washed your hair. You were almost done with your shower when you heard the front door open and two familiar voices talking to each other. Eijirou and Katsuki were home earlier than usual, but you didn't really mind, it was nice that you would be able to spend a bit more time together.

You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself before drying your hair on another towel. You walked into the master bedroom, but your reflection on the mirror caught your eye yet again. Even though the towel was one of the bigger ones you owned, it still didn't wrap around you completely, it left a sliver of your side exposed and you could see the rolls on your sides and the thickness of your hips. You just sighed and shook your head, before going to the wardrobe to get yourself some underwear, a t-shirt and some sweats.

You could hear Eijirou and Katsuki talking in the kitchen, while you put on your clothes. You felt like all the shirts you tried were too big. They would just make you look more massive than you already were, or at least so you thought.

"You turned the shower off like 20 minutes ago, what the hell is taking so long?" Katsuki asked as he appeared behind you, startling you.

"Hi, sorry, I'll be right out" you said, and flashed him a weak smile, before finally pulling on one of the shirts.

"Hey Eiji, come here!" Katsuki yelled and the redhead appeared almost right away.

"What is it?" he asked with the usual cheer in his voice.

"I think the sweetness here isn't having a very good day, am I right?" his voice was soft but his expression was serious.

"It's nothing, I don't want to bother you guys" you said quietly and twisted the hem of your shirt in your hands.

"You could never bother us" Eijirou said gently.

"He's right, you know" Katsuki reassured.

"I don't want you two to be disappointed in me"

"Well unless you've suddenly turned into a fucking villain, that's not a possibility" Katsuki scoffed.

"Well no, but-"

"So nothing to worry about" Eijirou smiled that toothy smile of his.

"I just feel really shit about my body lately and I haven't really been eating either lately" you confessed.

"Babe" Eijirou said softly.

"Why didn't you just fucking talk to us?" Katsuki asked, seemingly frustrated.

"I didn't know how to"

"Well, now that we do know, I think we could help you feel less shitty" Eijirou smirked and pulled you to him and in front of the mirror.

"Oh yeah" Katsuki smirked as well.

"These thighs are perfectly beautiful" Kirishima said as he knelt down next to you and started peppering kisses on your upper thighs. Maybe it was a good thing you never got a chance to put those sweats on. "And so soft, perfect pillows if I might add"

Katsuki stepped behind you and put his hands on your waist, and started sliding them down to your hips and grabbing your butt. "Nicely shaped, just like all of you, you fit perfectly into my hands" he whispered into your ear.

"Oh boy" you said with a quiver in your voice.

"Your tummy is also great, I love when I can have a handful of you" Eijirou said, moving up from your thighs and to your stomach, continuing to pepper kisses everywhere.

"You light up the room every time you walk in, even if you're in some ratty pajamas with your hair unbrushed and with mismatched socks" Katsuki said, as he moved his hands back up to your waist and kissing your neck.

Eijirou stood up and started kissing the other side of your neck, while his hand ventured under your shirt, Katsuki's hand doing the same thing.

You were barely thinking about anything anymore, they certainly knew how to make you feel better, that was for sure.

Kirishima Eijirou & Kaminari Denkiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें