Chapter Thirty-two

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A/N: I GOT A 90/100 ON MY PSYCHOLOGY EXAM!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM SO RELIEVED!!! AND I TURNED IN MY 150 POINT PROJECT!!! Now I just need my final grades for the semester. Jashin help me. @_@;

I think my chapter a day streak is coming back. The stress of school is disappearing, so my time and ability to write is returning back to 100%! REJOICE READERS! XD <3

Though I am considering working on a book I wanna publish on Amazon after I finish the first book for The Right Way Around. Like, take a very tiny break between this book and the three years of training book. I need to make some money. x-x My broke ass has nothing. Literally, I'm unemployed and living off financial aid. LOL I hope you guys won't hate me if I do that... Though maybe I can write both at the same time!? I wonder if anyone will even by my stuff on Amazon once I start putting up my sellable stuff... Welp, now I'm depressing myself. @_@

(Pic isn't mine, as usual. No idea whose it is. Love it. Worship it. Artist's sig on pic.)



Naruto rolled onto his side, nuzzling something soft that was touching his head, playing with his hair. "Mmm.." He smacked his lips a little and curled closer to the warmth he felt near him.

There was a soft laugh, "Adorable..." The voice that followed the soft laugh was just as soft and sweet, even slightly feminine. It sounded vaguely familiar.

HOLD UP! Someone was touching him! Naruto blinked his eyes open and came face to face with someone's lap. "Uhh..." Slowly he turned his head and looked up into the sweet face he'd been desperately filled with anxiety over saving. "Haku..." He whispered. This was new. This never happened. He never woke up with his head nestled in Haku's lap while the beautiful boy played with his hair or caressed his head.

Haku blinked a little, shocked to hear his name from the handsome boy he saw acting so brave and smug with Zabuza-sama. " know my name...?" He said softly, his surprise in his voice.

A dry, thick swallow forced it's why down Naruto's throat as he nodded slowly. When had he wrapped his arms around one of Haku's legs, using it like a teddy bear? He blushed a little and cleared his throat. "A-ah.. uhm.. We-well..." Haku laughed quietly again, behind his free hand. The sound and shy behavior making Naruto blush more. Haku was adorably sweet.

"I didn't think you could be made uncomfortable or stumble over your words, ninja-kun. You were so cool before." Haku smiled sweetly, though his amusement was evident.

Why hadn't he moved yet? Shouldn't he move? Wasn't this uncomfortable for the young assassin? Naruto licked his lips and chuckled. "I didn't think you'd out yourself so easily." This time Haku blushed and realized his mistake. Naruto could feel the other boy's body tense, bracing for a fight. "Hey... I don't want to fight. Not even a little." He shifted to get up and was stopped by Haku's slender, gentle hands firmly keeping him in a lounging position. "Eh?"

"You're very different from the other boy. He acts cool, but he's always tense. And he's always watching you, your every movement. He reminds me of a wildcat watching its prey." Haku's fingers traced along Naruto's forehead before following the ridges of a braid. "But you... You're very cool. So calm, collected. Zabuza didn't scare you at all. Everyone else was terrified, including your sensei. But you and Shi no seemed more bored than anything."

Naruto grinned, shrugging a little. "It's cause he doesn't scare me or Shi no Kitsune. We're not easily frightened. I've seen far worse things and experienced far worse than Zabuza Momochi could ever cause." Naruto glanced away, clearing his throat. But Haku didn't miss the haunted, dark, abyssal expression that flashed across his features.

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