Chapter Four

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A/N: Hello! Those of you who have been commenting give me life! Your comments motivate me and are a great encouragement. Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you all continue to enjoy it.

Within 24 hours, I'm posting yet another chapter! Hahaha... what is this story doing to me? This chapter is a couple of pages shorter than the previous one. So I'm sorry about that. But it's only two pages shorter, still, love me?

I don't think there's any important warnings for this chapter — brief mention rape/non-con during Naruto's therapy session.

Hrm, think that's all I've got for now. Oh! So now I've officially put this story on here, Ao3! So if you see it there, it was me! XD



Over the next week, Kiba visited Naruto the most, hanging out with him for hours and bringing him food. Tomoko and his doctor were thrilled that he was willingly conversing and eating with someone. Akamaru was usually with Kiba, though there were a few times he was not present and it was just Kiba and Naruto, alone, together. When Akamaru was there, he was always with Naruto, either curled up in his lap, flopped on his head, or curled up on his chest. And yes, when Kiba visited, he was skipping class without approval. And no, there were no fuck's given.

The second person to visit the most was Kakashi. He would spend a few hours every day merely spending time with Naruto, sometimes in absolute silence, comfortable silence though. Pakkun would be summoned every other visit. And the little pug took an instant liking to Naruto. Aside from the fact the blond was completely lovable, he pet and touched Pakkun's soft paws and that sealed it for Pakkun. Shiba had also met Naruto, and like Pakkun, took a liking to the boy. So much so that he would lecture Kakashi or scold him if he teased Naruto too hard. Naruto seemed relaxed and comfortable with Kakashi and his ninken while he became very nervous around other adults. Though Inoichi didn't seem to bother him. Which made sense because the Yamanaka was a very calm, easy-going person.

The whole reason Inoichi was even working with Naruto was by special request from Tomoko and the Hokage. And once he started, he vowed to stick with the kid until he was stable again. He would not let that boy be abandoned again. And Kakashi ultimately agreed, he would not leave Naruto alone again, he would honour his sensei and honour his promise. Kakashi would be there for Naruto.

After that, it was Shikamaru and Chouji who visited most. Usually only after class had ended. There was the frequent occurrence of Shikamaru ditching halfway through the day, or the first half of the morning to visit Naruto. But, he was the king of not giving a fuck. Chouji brought him snacks, which usually meant that he would be eating a snack and then would give Naruto some. Shikamaru would stay longer than Chouji; he was in the process of trying to persuade Naruto to play shogi with him. So far, Naruto has declined every effort. Shikamaru was stubbornly unyielding in this; he would not budge. He knew there was more to Naruto than all that surface knuckleheaded, loudmouthed behaviour.

Ino and Hinata were denied visiting access to Naruto, let alone the hall he was in. Sakura never tried to visit; she mainly tried to get close to Sasuke, per usual. Shino visited Naruto a couple of times, though it was pretty awkward as they weren't particularly close and knew very little about each other. Well, Shino didn't know Naruto very well. But Naruto had gotten to know Shino over the decades. He hoped the shy bug boy would come to visit him again.

It was a balmy Saturday afternoon when both Kiba and Shikamaru popped around the corner of the curtain to find an empty bed. They stopped dead in their tracks, eyes so wide they almost looked like googly eyes. Naruto wasn't in his room! NARUTO WASN'T IN HIS ROOM! Had he finally snapped and taken off?!

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